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[384.8_Alpha - builds] Testing all variants.

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RSSI = 0
In router mode this stats is 0 and i think its normal
RSSI is when you are in bridge or repeater mode, this is a measurement how well the client is receiving signal

My Ac86 in router mode = rssi 0
My Ac1900p ( bridge mode ) i see Rssi = -34
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I still get both 2.4 and 5G showing "0" as a value for RSSI and SNR on the Wireless Log page low level information. Is this displaying non-zero values for you now?

Those values are only useful when the router is connected to another one as a media bridge or a repeater. There's no RSSI or SNR to display unless you have two devices connected together.
Not gone, just hidden. These are debug output lines generated by the Trend Micro engine, and nobody but them know what they actually mean.
Thank goodness, these were the only logs i get. Finally can live without them!
Those values are only useful when the router is connected to another one as a media bridge or a repeater. There's no RSSI or SNR to display unless you have two devices connected together.
Thank you for your explanation.
I loaded alpha3 yesterday in my 86U and it mostly works very well. But here's a couple of things I noticed:
1. I changed my login password in the Admin->System page, clicked Apply, got a message that I should use the new password on my next login, logged out, then logged back in, but the new password did not take. It still recognized the old password.
2. Whenever I do a reboot, I need to go into the /jffs/usericon directory and delete both the files that shows up there. If I do not do that, over time, the ICO file increases in size until it fills up all of available memory. I had this problem in previous firmware versions but this issue is still there. My workaround for now is that instead of doing a regular auto reboot, I do it manually maybe once a week when I can log in using WinSCP and delete those files. Someday I will experiment to see if any of the devices on my network are causing this problem.
1. I changed my login password in the Admin->System page, clicked Apply, got a message that I should use the new password on my next login, logged out, then logged back in, but the new password did not take. It still recognized the old password.

Works for me. Make sure your browser didn't autofill the old password, and that the new password isn't too long (limit is 16 chars).
@RMerlin great to see quick such turnaround on the alpha 3 for the 86u 32799 gpl, that was really fast.

Unfortunately for me, whatever secret sauce Asus implemented to prevent random wifi drops with my google home streaming was not carried over in your latest alpha 3. So i'm back to choosing between solid wifi or fast SNB with great QOS.
Maybe you could ask Asus Devs what changes were done in 32799 for their claimed "wifi stability improvement"?

I should make a correction here. the issue with alpha 3 might not be wifi. the symptom is the same momentary pause in my google home devices streaming, but I actually see that my hardwired computer download files stop at the same time. This is some really weird coincidence.
I should make a correction here. the issue with alpha 3 might not be wifi. the symptom is the same momentary pause in my google home devices streaming, but I actually see that my hardwired computer download files stop at the same time. This is some really weird coincidence.

Packet losses from the ISP would be my first suspect.
Packet losses from the ISP would be my first suspect.

The router is behind a at&t modem/router DMZ. would the 86u router config cause packet loss, can I detect what causes it?
I flashed back and forth between 32799 and alpha 3, five times. The dropouts with google streaming don't happen with 32799.
If my issue is setup related I guess it would be hard to analyze the issue, Thanks for the feedback in any case.
The router is behind a at&t modem/router DMZ. would the 86u router config cause packet loss, can I detect what causes it?
I flashed back and forth between 32799 and alpha 3, five times. The dropouts with google streaming don't happen with 32799.
If my issue is setup related I guess it would be hard to analyze the issue, Thanks for the feedback in any case.

Use traceroute to troubleshoot.
Works for me. Make sure your browser didn't autofill the old password, and that the new password isn't too long (limit is 16 chars).
In case it matters, I originally tried to set a 32-char password. It looked like the system truncated it, so I left it, but it did not take, and now, no other attempts at changing the password work. I am stuck with my old password. BTW, I just tried it again and still no go.
Doesn't AsusWRT have a character limit of 16? I for sure can't use my regular password algorithm which would be 17 characters so I had to change it up for my AsusWRT devices.


This is only for the administrative/system login for some reason. I have 21 characters in the WiFi password. I never understood this limitation, especially since it's not limited for things like WiFi password.
sorry to ask here instead of making a new thread, but...

i'm running 384.7 on an ac3100 and *
the "!" firmware update alarm went off
and the cpu core 1 was stuck at 100%

i know 32799 was back in sept
so why was this alert triggered?

i simply power cycled the router
and it seems to be calm now.

Product ID RT-AC3100
Signature Version 2.096
Updated : 2018/11/09 02:00
Firmware Version 384.7
sorry to ask here instead of making a new thread, but...

i'm running 384.7 on an ac3100 and *
the "!" firmware update alarm went off
and the cpu core 1 was stuck at 100%

i know 32799 was back in sept
so why was this alert triggered?

i simply power cycled the router
and it seems to be calm now.

Product ID RT-AC3100
Signature Version 2.096
Updated : 2018/11/09 02:00
Firmware Version 384.7
You got the event because the newest version of F/W for your router is 384.7_2

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