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Entware [386.12.6] -[AC3100] - rtorrent plugin not work

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Regular Contributor
Hi! I recently upgrade my AC3100 to 386.12.6 firmware. I have a issue with my oldest firmware and entware confing. I do:

1. Hard Factory Default
2. Upgrade to new firmware
3. Factory Default by webadmin
4. Hard Factory Default
5. Router configuration --> Network, Wifi.
6. Reinstaling Entware
7. Installing the following apps --> bash bzip2 curl findutils grep gzip iperf lsof mc netcat nmap p7zip screen unrar unzip iperf3 coreutils
8. Install rtorrent-easy-install
9. Install rtorrent plugins
10 restore rtorrent session.
11 reset de router

12 all works again fine

List of Installed Entware Apps/ Packagges:

List of installed Entware packages (103)

 bash - 5.2.15-1                         libc - 2.23-11                          libslang2 - 2.3.3-1                     p7zip - 16.02-3                         rutorrent-plugin-mediainfo - 4.2.4-1
 bzip2 - 1.0.8-1a                        libcurl - 8.2.1-1                       libsmartcols - 2.39-2                   php8 - 8.2.8-1                          rutorrent-plugin-rpc - 4.2.4-1
 ca-bundle - 20230311-1                  libffi - 3.4.2-2                        libssh2 - 1.10.0-1                      php8-cgi - 8.2.8-1                      rutorrent-plugin-seedingtime - 4.2.4-1
 column - 2.39-2                         libgcc - 8.4.0-11                       libssp - 8.4.0-11                       procps-ng - 3.3.16-3a                   rutorrent-plugin-source - 4.2.4-1
 coreutils - 9.3-1                       libgmp - 6.2.1-1a                       libstdcpp - 8.4.0-11                    procps-ng-pgrep - 3.3.16-3a             rutorrent-plugin-trafic - 4.2.4-1
 coreutils-id - 9.3-1                    libiconv-full - 1.17-1                  libtirpc - 1.3.3-1                      rtorrent-easy-install - 0.2-6           rutorrent-plugin-unpack - 4.2.4-1
 coreutils-stat - 9.3-1                  libintl-full - 0.21.1-2                 libuuid - 2.39-2                        rtorrent-rpc - 0.9.8-2                  rutorrent-plugin-uploadeta - 4.2.4-1
 curl - 8.2.1-1                          libiperf3 - 3.14-1                      libxml2 - 2.11.4-1                      rutorrent - 4.2.4-1                     screen - 4.8.0-2
 entware-opt - 227000-3                  libmbedtls - 2.28.4-1                   libzen - 0.4.41-1                       rutorrent-plugin-_getdir - 4.2.4-1      terminfo - 6.4-2
 entware-release - 1.0-3                 libmediainfo - 23.07-1                  lighttpd - 1.4.71-1                     rutorrent-plugin-_noty - 4.2.4-1        unrar - 6.1.3-2
 entware-upgrade - 1.0-1                 libmount - 2.39-2                       lighttpd-mod-auth - 1.4.71-1            rutorrent-plugin-_task - 4.2.4-1        unzip - 6.0-8a
 findutils - 4.9.0-1a                    libncurses - 6.4-2                      lighttpd-mod-authn_file - 1.4.71-1      rutorrent-plugin-check_port - 4.2.4-1   xmlrpc-c - 1.51.07-3
 glib2 - 2.74.0-5                        libncursesw - 6.4-2                     lighttpd-mod-fastcgi - 1.4.71-1         rutorrent-plugin-create - 4.2.4-1       xmlrpc-c-common - 1.51.07-3
 grep - 3.8-2                            libnettle - 3.9.1-1                     lighttpd-mod-scgi - 1.4.71-1            rutorrent-plugin-data - 4.2.4-1         xmlrpc-c-internal - 1.51.07-3
 gzip - 1.12-1                           libopenssl - 3.0.10-1                   locales - 2.23-9                        rutorrent-plugin-diskspace - 4.2.4-1    xmlrpc-c-server - 1.51.07-3
 iperf - 2.1.9-1                         libpcap - 1.10.4-1                      lsof - 4.94.0-1                         rutorrent-plugin-edit - 4.2.4-1         zlib - 1.2.13-1
 iperf3 - 3.14-1                         libpcre - 8.45-5                        mc - 4.8.27-3                           rutorrent-plugin-erasedata - 4.2.4-1    zoneinfo-asia - 2023c-2
 libatomic - 8.4.0-11                    libpcre2 - 10.42-1                      mediainfo - 23.07-1                     rutorrent-plugin-extsearch - 4.2.4-1    zoneinfo-core - 2023c-2
 libattr - 2.5.1-3                       libpthread - 2.23-11                    netcat - 0.7.1-2a                       rutorrent-plugin-geoip - 4.2.4-1        zoneinfo-europe - 2023c-2
 libblkid - 2.39-2                       libreadline - 8.2-1                     nmap - 7.93-2                           rutorrent-plugin-history - 4.2.4-1
 libbz2 - 1.0.8-1a                       librt - 2.23-11                         opkg - 2022-02-24-d038e5b6-2            rutorrent-plugin-lookat - 4.2.4-1

 Entware Apps installed in /opt/bin/ (45)

 7z              bash            egrep           grep            iperf           lsof            mediainfo       nmap            php8-cgi        sh              unzipsfx        zipinfo
 7za             bzip2           fgrep           gunzip          iperf3          mc              nc              pgrep           php8-fcgi       stat            xargs
 7zr             column          find            gzip            locale.new      mcdiff          netcat          php-cgi         rbash           unrar           zcat
 ash             curl            funzip          id              localedef.new   mcedit          netstat         php-fcgi        rtorrent        unzip           zipgrep

 Entware Apps installed in /opt/sbin/ (4)

 ifconfig        lighttpd        route           screen

rTorrent works and show all my torrents, but _task plugin not work:

The ruTorrent log show:

[27.02.2024 14:59:04] WebUI started.
[27.02.2024 14:59:05] _task: Plugin will not work. Webserver user can't access external program (pgrep).
[27.02.2024 14:59:05] create: Plugin will not work. It requires plugin(s) _task
[27.02.2024 14:59:05] unpack: Plugin will not work. It requires plugin(s) _task
[27.02.2024 14:59:05] mediainfo: Plugin will not work. It requires plugin(s) _task
[27.02.2024 14:59:06] Bad response from server: (500 [error,initportcheck])

What I need to do to make works the _task plugin?

[27.02.2024 14:59:05] _task: Plugin will not work. Webserver user can't access external program (pgrep).

opkg install pgrep
Thanks! Today when I arrive to my house after work I try.
opkg install pgrep
I doubt that will work. There is no Entware package called "pgrep". There is a package called "procps-ng-pgrep" (which provides the pgrep program) and we can see from his output that has already been installed as a dependency of another package.
Sounds like a misconfigured path in Entware or the startup script.
Sounds like a misconfigured path in Entware or the startup script.
That's what I was thinking. The vanilla Entware packages look correct though (I'm only looking inside the packages I haven't installed them).

@elrengo Check the PATH is correct in /opt/etc/init.d/S85rtorrent. If that's OK you might have to put an explicit path for pgrep in $pathToExternals in /opt/share/www/rutorrent/conf/config.php.
opkg install pgrep

[elrengo@RT-AC3100]#opkg install pgrep
Unknown package 'pgrep'.
Collected errors:
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package pgrep.

That's what I was thinking. The vanilla Entware packages look correct though (I'm only looking inside the packages I haven't installed them).

@elrengo Check the PATH is correct in /opt/etc/init.d/S85rtorrent. If that's OK you might have to put an explicit path for pgrep in $pathToExternals in /opt/share/www/rutorrent/conf/config.php.



ARGS="-D -n -o import=/opt/etc/rtorrent/rtorrent.conf"
PREARGS="screen -dmS rtorrent"

if [ -z "`pidof $PROCS`" ]; then
    rm -f /opt/var/rpc.socket
. /opt/etc/init.d/rc.func

/opt/share/www/rutorrent/conf/config.php - $pathToExternals

 $pathToExternals = array(
                "php"   => '/opt/bin/php-cgi',  // Something like /usr/bin/php. If empty, will be found in PATH.
                "curl"  => '/opt/bin/curl',     // Something like /usr/bin/curl. If empty, will be found in PATH.
                "gzip"  => '/opt/bin/gzip',     // Something like /usr/bin/gzip. If empty, will be found in PATH.
                "id"    => '/opt/bin/id',       // Something like /usr/bin/id. If empty, will be found in PATH.
                "stat"  => '/opt/bin/stat',     // Something like /usr/bin/stat. If empty, will be found in PATH.

Check pgrep in '/opt/bin'

[elrengo@RT-AC3100]#cd /opt/bin/
drwxr-xr-x    2 elrengo  root        4.0K Feb 27 15:29 ./
drwxr-xr-x   13 elrengo  root        4.0K May 26  2023 ../
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root          36 Sep  4 15:28 7z*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root          37 Sep  4 15:28 7za*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root          37 Sep  4 15:28 7zr*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root           8 Feb 27 13:14 ash -> /bin/ash*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root      947.9K Sep  1 16:07 bash*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root       28.1K Jul 26  2021 bzip2*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root       37.0K May 26  2023 column*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root      126.5K Sep  1 16:07 curl*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          22 Feb 27 13:14 egrep -> /opt/libexec/egrep-gnu*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          22 Feb 27 13:14 fgrep -> /opt/libexec/fgrep-gnu*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          21 Feb 27 13:14 find -> /opt/libexec/find-gnu*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root       16.1K Sep  1 16:07 funzip*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          21 Feb 27 13:14 grep -> /opt/libexec/grep-gnu*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          23 Feb 27 13:28 gunzip -> /opt/libexec/gunzip-gnu*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          21 Feb 27 13:28 gzip -> /opt/libexec/gzip-gnu*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          25 Feb 27 13:31 id -> /opt/libexec/id-coreutils*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root      234.4K Sep  1 16:07 iperf*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root        5.7K Sep  1 16:07 iperf3*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root       31.0K Sep  4 15:28 locale.new*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root      274.3K Sep  4 15:28 localedef.new*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root      150.9K Sep  1 16:07 lsof*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root      797.9K Sep  1 16:07 mc*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root           2 Feb 27 13:28 mcdiff -> mc*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root           2 Feb 27 13:28 mcedit -> mc*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root       82.4K Sep  4 15:28 mediainfo*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          15 Feb 27 13:28 nc -> /opt/bin/netcat*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root       28.7K Sep  1 16:07 netcat*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          12 Feb 27 13:14 netstat -> /bin/netstat*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root        2.3M Sep  1 16:07 nmap*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root      747.2K May 26  2023 opkg*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          28 Feb 27 13:36 pgrep -> /opt/libexec/pgrep-procps-ng*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root           8 Feb 27 13:31 php-cgi -> php8-cgi*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root           9 Feb 27 13:31 php-fcgi -> php8-fcgi*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root        3.4M Sep  1 16:07 php8-cgi*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root           8 Feb 27 13:31 php8-fcgi -> php8-cgi*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root           4 Feb 27 13:27 rbash -> bash*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root        2.3M Sep  1 16:07 rtorrent*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root           7 Feb 27 13:14 sh -> /bin/sh*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          27 Feb 27 13:31 stat -> /opt/libexec/stat-coreutils*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root      227.3K Sep  1 16:07 unrar*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          18 Feb 27 13:28 unzip -> /opt/libexec/unzip*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root       59.0K Sep  1 16:07 unzipsfx*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          22 Feb 27 13:14 xargs -> /opt/libexec/xargs-gnu*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root          21 Feb 27 13:28 zcat -> /opt/libexec/zcat-gnu*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 elrengo  root        2.9K Sep  1 16:07 zipgrep*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 elrengo  root           5 Feb 27 13:28 zipinfo -> unzip*

new config.php

 $pathToExternals = array(
                "php"   => '/opt/bin/php-cgi',  // Something like /usr/bin/php. If empty, will be found in PATH.
                "curl"  => '/opt/bin/curl',     // Something like /usr/bin/curl. If empty, will be found in PATH.
                "gzip"  => '/opt/bin/gzip',     // Something like /usr/bin/gzip. If empty, will be found in PATH.
                "id"    => '/opt/bin/id',       // Something like /usr/bin/id. If empty, will be found in PATH.
                "stat"  => '/opt/bin/stat',     // Something like /usr/bin/stat. If empty, will be found in PATH.
                "pgrep" => '/opt/bin/pgrep',

Now I have the following error:

[29.02.2024 10:03:37] WebUI started.
[29.02.2024 10:03:38] Bad response from server: (200 [parsererror,getplugins]) ReferenceError: rGraph is not defined
[29.02.2024 10:03:39] Bad response from server: (500 [error,initportcheck])

With this error I not see any torrent of my session. :(
After a router reboot and my pc reboot, rtorrent and rutorrent works. I can see all my torrents. The only error show now is:

[29.02.2024 10:25:05] WebUI started.
[29.02.2024 10:25:08] Bad response from server: (500 [error,initportcheck])

But looking for in internet, I did not find any answer to resolve that message or the meaning of that message.

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