I knew my reading was in Fahrenheit and that a lot of the other readings in here were in Celsius. I think I misread that 60 Celsius was "normal", so figured mine was running hot. Looks like the 80 I see IS "normal".
I actually had a dual fan lying around that I was going to use to cool down my stereo receiver, but ended up not needing to. I plugged those in to the USB port, just leaned them up against the back of the router, and now I get this. Unbelievable. I'll look for a more permanent fan solution this weekend.
View attachment 33925
@mromero, I'll turn off Trend Micro as well. Thanks. Too bad, it's a handy feature.
I have not been reading up on the upgrades either, so I didn't realize 386.2_4 was buggy. What version
should I be using? Is it just buggy in general, or in a particular area? Not to take this thread down a different path, but can you point me to a post talking about the problems with 386.2_4? I'll go looking myself as well.
Thanks to all for the help and tips.