New Around Here
I supposed I should stop lurking around and finally post a question, since searching around hasn't yielded any results.
I recently bought my second rt-ac3100 for a second household, and was the first asus router I have used since using firmware 45149. I have had good luck with my first ac3100 configured the way I have it, and since my second router is placed in a very identical environment I used almost the same configuration other then different wireless channels and bandwidth. I haven't had any issues with connectivity, stability, speeds, etc running the latest ASUS firmware, but I have noticed some new log spam that I don't get on my other router. Every few minutes, this is displayed.
From some other posts I've seen regarding this from as far back to 2012, it seems to be that the routers 2.4Ghz wireless control channel being set to auto was the culprit, but I have always used a set channel, in my case, 11, and I don't any neighbors close enough to cause any interference from other routers. I'm the only network visible on any portion of my property, and we don't have much in terms of other wireless or RF interference. Is this possibly due to the extension channels changing? I can't really tell though from the logs, as it's the same message as above, just repeated every few minutes with no changes to it other then the date and time.
It's not that it is causing any form of wireless connection issues, but I'm more curious what would be causing the router to spit that out every 2-10 minutes, or if there is an actual underlying issue or config I'm not seeing or catching here, and figured I would ask those with better knowledge then me.
I recently bought my second rt-ac3100 for a second household, and was the first asus router I have used since using firmware 45149. I have had good luck with my first ac3100 configured the way I have it, and since my second router is placed in a very identical environment I used almost the same configuration other then different wireless channels and bandwidth. I haven't had any issues with connectivity, stability, speeds, etc running the latest ASUS firmware, but I have noticed some new log spam that I don't get on my other router. Every few minutes, this is displayed.
Aug 8 15:29:00 acsd: COEX: downgraded chanspec 0x1909 to 0x100b: channel 6 used by exiting BSSs
Aug 8 15:29:00 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x100b (11)
Aug 8 15:29:00 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100b (11)
Aug 8 15:29:00 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x100b (11)
From some other posts I've seen regarding this from as far back to 2012, it seems to be that the routers 2.4Ghz wireless control channel being set to auto was the culprit, but I have always used a set channel, in my case, 11, and I don't any neighbors close enough to cause any interference from other routers. I'm the only network visible on any portion of my property, and we don't have much in terms of other wireless or RF interference. Is this possibly due to the extension channels changing? I can't really tell though from the logs, as it's the same message as above, just repeated every few minutes with no changes to it other then the date and time.
It's not that it is causing any form of wireless connection issues, but I'm more curious what would be causing the router to spit that out every 2-10 minutes, or if there is an actual underlying issue or config I'm not seeing or catching here, and figured I would ask those with better knowledge then me.