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AC66U port forwarding doesn't work

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Hi, I used to be able to forward ports fine, but recently after several firmware upgrades and a change of dynamic ip to the device that the port forwarding was intended for, it seems as though I can no longer forward any ports at all several months later. I tested the ports by running the application they are intended for (nba 2k16)and also with portchecker.co

I've tried:

- factory reset
- updating firmware
- updating to merlin firmware
- opening ports in device's firewall + windows firewall, and also disabling them
- disabling router firewall
- forwarding ports on different devices in the network


Seems strange you would have to port forward to play a game the only time ive ever done that is for some servers i run. The first 2 ports you have on your are for servers. port 53 dns servers and port 80 for your basic web server. I ve played plenty off games and still both on pc and ps4 and never had to forward any ports. On my current setup i have upnp disabled on my router and still can play games online. After doing a quick google search on the rest of those ports they dont seem to have anything to do with NBA 2K16 other than ports 3074 and port 88 which seems xbox live uses so im assuming you play that game on xbox. You could try and see if UPNP is enabled on your router and see if that helps. however like i said earlier i never had to open a port specifically for a game in order to play it. There might be something else wrong with your configuration.
If the game worked without forwarding ports, I wouldn't be trying to open the ports and spend countless hours researching and asking for help. Upnp has always been on. I'm not retarded just so you know.

like I said in my original post, it has been tested with multiple devices on the network (a windows 10 desktop, a windows 8.1 laptop, and a ubuntu server) and doesnt work on any. Furthermore, all port forwarding worked perfectly a couple of months ago so I'm certain that its not a configuration problem on my end. My only explanation for why the problem began happening was a firmware upgrade, even though I backed up and restored my configurations (also tried the ports without restoring previous configuration, still didn't work).
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If you haven't already tried, reset router to default settings go back to the older firmware see if it works. If it does try the same thing reset to default setting then upgrade to newer firmware then see if it still works. I would also try without port forwarding. Another thing to check in that your pc is actually get the ip address if you are using the dhcp server on the router. Also change the ports forwarding rules to use both TCP and UDP.

I don't think you are retarded if i came across that way i apologize
Thanks so much, I appreciate your help. I was just raging at the time, sorry about that. It turns out I am kinda retarded, as the two port testing sites I used gave out false negatives the whole time, and I was able to get accurate readings elsewhere. Also NBA 2k16 has a new match making system that relies heavily on port 80, that which I also found out is blocked by my ISP and having since fixed that and all the other ports, I am now getting high quality matches.

Unfortunately, the amount of matches I get is still very infrequent. I know 2k16 also requires an open NAT. Here is a NAT test I did at http://nattest.net.in.tum.de/test.php

Any advice on what I should do according to this test?

UPnP Test (?): found: RT-AC66U
UPnP Port mapping works

STUN Test (?): Port Address Restricted Cone NAT

UDP Binding Test (?): Endpoint independent binding, port prediction is easy
TCP Binding Test: Endpoint independent binding, port prediction is easy

UDP Mapping Test (?): your external IP address was different from your local one (NAT).
Your external source ports were preserved on every connection.
TCP Mapping Test: your external IP address was different from your local one (NAT)
Your external source ports were preserved on every connection.

SIP ALG (?): The initial SIP INVITE packet has not been modified on its way to our servers.
There is no SIP ALG involved
The initial FTP PORT command has been modified.
Most probably, your NAT implements a FTP-ALG

UDP Hole Punching (?): High TTL Test was not successful

Low TTL Test was successful

Silent Test was not successful
TCP Hole Punching:
High TTL Test was not successful

Low TTL Test was not successful

Silent Test was not successful

UDP Timeout (?): Your UDP timeout is approx. 50 seconds
There should be no problem when refreshing bindings.m
I have the same problem with port forwarding and apparently I am not the only one. I have the latest
firmware and I can not get any ports opened. I have one port opened from the time I installed the router (i believe I updated the firmware in meantime). There is a firmware who actually works? I've read the merlin firmware has the same problem. Thank you
Those of you have problem with port forwarding. Try to modify one rule on drop down meny and se if that works?!

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