I changed 2.4GHz channel to 1. What makes you think it will work better on 1? I get a lot of overlap in both cases.
How would you suggest to max bandwidth for 5GHz?
You can go
here to educate yourself about how 2.4 WiFi works.
All devices are built to play nicely in the "prime channel" spaces. Essentially, channels 1/6/11 are 802.11b (legacy) "prime" channels with 22 MHz of bandwidth each and no overlap. Like a 3-lane highway, the traffic here runs smoothly — in 802.11b. In 802.11g/n you have more channels, but less bandwidth (20 MHz), and again they can play nicely together staying in their lanes 1/5/9/13. Of course, to use #13 you'd have to have #13 available to select. You may, I do not. Then you have 802.11n — n has fat bandwidth (40 MHz) but only two prime channels, 3 & 11.
Now, if you did set yours to [N only] as recommended, assuming you are Domain666, it appears you were set to ch-10. This is akin to the guy who's changing lanes weaving in and out of traffic all the time. Only when he weaves he hits something (collision) and everything slows down, sometimes to a crawl, sometimes to a stop, because he's not staying in his lane and playing nice. Assuming your fisrt graph showing 2.4GHz (in blue) is 2.4GHz and assuming you are set to [N only] in your router, then channel 3 would be ideal. It's prime and pretty much not there — except, again assuming Domain666 is you — there is a secondary 2.4GHz broadcast on that domain at ch 5 (again weaving unless it's g/n) and that has very low quality and is crowded by at least 3 competing broadcasts with much higher signal strengths two of which are not yours. It sure likes lie it's set to g/n to me, and that's a problem.
So... pick your setup. My recommendation was [N only] [40 MHz] in which case you'd want ch-3 as ch-11 has crowding from 'Irena'.
Legacy (802.11b) would net ch-1 as the least crowded Prime. IMO, g/n is a waste unless your R-pi's run on g? If they do you'd have to go [Auto] and you may need to play with your bandwidth like trying 20MHz to make your signal "skinny", essentially splitting the lanes like a motorcycle, to cut interference as 40MHz may be just too much traffic "merging" traffic.
In your newest phone screen shot (my those are hard to read on a desktop) it looks like you are running g/n instead of N-only and you have a weak signal on ch-5 (g/n) and a strong signal on ch-3 (n).
If your R-pi's run N you are making a mess because they are trying to find an open lane on a very crowded multi-lane bridge packed with traffic. They keep weaving between lanes 0 & 9, crossing over lanes 1-8 enroute and only making some progress on lane 3 while crawling on lane 5 and near-stopped the rest of the time. I am guessing this is the root of the problem. Your setup creates it's own traffic jams!
If I'm right, your best setup for 2.4GHz here is [N only].
This is from the AC87 OEM firmware display, yours may be slightly different:
- Wireless > General | Band (5GHz) Channel bandwidth (80 MHz)