If turning of NAT acceleration and then turning it on again changed the results, that indicates (to me) a need to properly and fully reset the router to factory defaults. It could be on your router, that doing it once is not enough).
If the ookla speedtest shows you hitting your ISP speeds, then the only other explanation for the varying tele2 speed test site is that your ISP is a 'home' line subscription versus a business line subscription. The difference is that a home line features 'up to speeds' (which is what ookla is showing) and a business line
should guarantee some minimum speeds (which the tele2 speed test indicates you're not subscribed to). Business ISP service may be much lower advertised speeds, but in many cases are actually higher (sustained) than the 'up to' speeds that home ISP services can do.
In other words, I think your 'issue' has been solved.
Now, can you get close to those speeds (at least for the ookla tests) with WiFi?