Part of the Furniture
Hi just wanted to ask a Few things,
Will adaptive qos receive an option to choose qos alogrithm, when will it use or does it use fq-codel
and if so will it be upgraded to use cake-FQ-Codel, if not is it possible to allow for choosing which algrithim is used, and can it be added in a future firmware update.
Also where to i post to request that certain games, are added to the Adaptive qos data base as gaming traffic for propper classification.
Thnx in Advanced.
Will adaptive qos receive an option to choose qos alogrithm, when will it use or does it use fq-codel
and if so will it be upgraded to use cake-FQ-Codel, if not is it possible to allow for choosing which algrithim is used, and can it be added in a future firmware update.
Also where to i post to request that certain games, are added to the Adaptive qos data base as gaming traffic for propper classification.
Thnx in Advanced.