I'm normally good at searching and following guides etc but I don't even know the name of what I'm trying to do here. I would like to setup my Tomato shibby WRT160NV3 in between my work pc and lan port. so that I can setup my wifi network.
I cloned my MAC address of the work pc, set same IP range and the router/wifi works swimmingly. However, I can't access internal work sites from the work pc when I hook up the cable from the router. I thought it was DMZ but it's not working and can't set router to show same default gateway or connection-specific dns suffix as the original connection straight from the wall?
What is this called that I'm trying to do? I obviously don't have any tech support from work as they don't want deal with any issues I have or will have in the future.
I cloned my MAC address of the work pc, set same IP range and the router/wifi works swimmingly. However, I can't access internal work sites from the work pc when I hook up the cable from the router. I thought it was DMZ but it's not working and can't set router to show same default gateway or connection-specific dns suffix as the original connection straight from the wall?
What is this called that I'm trying to do? I obviously don't have any tech support from work as they don't want deal with any issues I have or will have in the future.