Analyzing memory usage of AGH to determine if there is a memory leak.
AGH parameters:
Here is a 24 hour chart of memory usage of AdGuardHome
(Note: I opened the web interface for maybe 20 minutes around where the red circle is. I did not duplicate the red circle on the orange data line, but it still applies)
Raw data is attached in a text file (comma separated)
AGH parameters:
- using oisd dbl blocklist
- mmotti filters imported into custom filters area (I see no need to have these pulled in regularly from github)
- a few extra filter entries to allow a few apps to work
- Upstream DoT and DoQ servers
- I think everything else is basically stock
- Service restarted 7 minutes before first data point in this set
- Asus RT-AX86U
- Running Asuswrt-merlin 386.5_2
- Skynet, FlexQoS, YazFi, scribe, scMerlin, uiScribe, YazDHCP, vnStat, AdGuardHome, entware installed
- 32GB USB storage
- 2GB swap
- swappiness set to 45 (echo 45 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness)
- UDP receive buffer set to 2.5M (echo 2500000 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max)
Here is a 24 hour chart of memory usage of AdGuardHome
(Note: I opened the web interface for maybe 20 minutes around where the red circle is. I did not duplicate the red circle on the orange data line, but it still applies)
Raw data is attached in a text file (comma separated)
- Going to use this as the baseline to compare changes against
- Odd to me that the memory usage jumps, then never comes back down. No/bad memory cleanup?
- Need to track down why the big jump. Doesn't seem connected to usage. Nothing in syslog. Maybe filter refreshes? Can check that by increasing filter refresh frequency.
- I guess I'll need to open the web interface during each 24-hour run and document when that happened.
- "Opened web interface" I think corresponds to the really small bump inside the red oval, not the larger jump that comes later
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