Regular Contributor
You winCan you explain this a little bit? What is "far" superior in the Broadcom CPU vs the Qualcomm CPU in the R7800 which is really a Krait design also used in the older Snapdragons. Also, the QCA solution is a 2 x 2, 2 CPU cores for applications and other stuff and 2 lower-clocked CPU cores specifically for packet processing. AFAIK, and correct me if I'm wrong, the Broadcom CPU in the AC86U doesn't have such a setup. It is also faster by 100 MHz but as we all know, MHz is not everything

I have no idea about the inner workings of the the processor range, nor it's history or the implementation of it's bills of materials components in other applications.
I have a profile photo of ALF the Alien. His primary aim was to try to get a cat into a toaster, FWIW.

Seriously, as far as I could see, the processor was newer, faster and would, in my mind, serve me better for longer, so I've updated my claim above.
Can you explain to us which processor you would select, given the choice, and why? I might learn something here!