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AiMesh centralized management expectations

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Eric Goldsmith

New Around Here
Having used 2 routers in a Router/AP config for years, I'm interested in AiMesh, but have a number of questions about the expectations around the promise of centralized management.

If I make a config-level change (e.g. control channel for one of the bands) on the router, will that change automatically propagate to the node(s)?

If I make a radio-level change (e.g. disable MU-MIMO), especially one that doesn't exist on all router models, will that change automatically propagate to the relevant node(s)? If not, what's the proper procedure to ensure settings on all devices are changed correctly?

If I upgrade the firmware on the router, will all node(s) be automatically upgraded? If not, what's the proper procedure to accomplish this?

IOW, it would be helpful for ASUS to enumerate the cases where management is truly centralized with AiMesh, and where device-level config is still needed. Perhaps such a document exists - but all I've seen is hand-waving marketing copy.

Related, it seems with AiMesh that all device use the same control channels. We've been told for years this is a no-no. So, why is it now OK? How does AiMesh make this work without radios stomping all over each other?

Lastly, it seems that AiMesh nodes get assigned addresses in the DHCP space, along with all the client devices. I've always been of the mindset that network gear should use static addresses, outside the client DHCP space (e.g. router at x.x.x.1, nodes at x.x.x.2, x.x.x.3, etc.). What's the thinking behind intermingling nodes in the client address space?


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