the wired AiMesh Node client (the TV box) shows ON and and OFF in the interface (it appears and disappears with say minute intervals).
So, to be clear, you are referring to the list of clients on Network Map => Clients button => Client Status list or View List button, and\or (what should be the same) AIMesh => [Select a device] => Client List
You are not referring to the AIMesh nodes them selves (green line) disconnecting. .I would hope wired backhaul does not disconnect at all, I have seen some times the wireless comes and goes for abot 10-20 seconds.
If the former, I have a NAS attached to my router. It comes and goes all the time, but still works (as best I can tell). I have seen
other complain of devices coming and going from the list. In the linked thread, it sounds like the OPs issue is not what
@sbsnb is referring to, but what you are seeing.
That said, I think there is little to no performance diff for wireless scenarios at the same location. The only technical benefits to AImesh on the node might be: Guest Network (not isolated on AP), and single interface to manage. I am not truly sure that the supposed benifit of roaming really works better.
I tested running the following scenarios, and basically feel that an AP is most stable. == is wired, // is wireless.
RT-AC1900P Router <==> RT-AC1900P AImesh node
RT-AC1900P Router <//> RT-AC1900P AImesh node
RT-AC1900P Router <//> RT-AC1900P Media Bridge
RT-AC1900P Router <==> RT-AC1900P AP node
Unifi LAN <==> RT-AC1900P AP <//> RT-AC1900P AImesh node
So, if you have some time, please try the tool I suggested in post 8. The only setup is a client at both ends you can read\write to. The whole test is only a few minutes.