Just did a quick and dirty test with 4.4.5 on a RT-AX86U Pro.
See this link for the GetYazFiDebug script results. There are three. For some reason after rebooting the router the YazFi client(s) could then properly access main LAN clients when access internet was disabled and two way to guest was enabled in YazFi. Weird.
Base YazFi config after installing YazFi 4.4.5 (and restarting YazFi) on RT-AX86U Pro
Guest Network #2 5Ghz - Allow Internet Access set to No, Two Way to Client set to Yes
After router reboot YazFi client could ping/access main LAN clients. Not sure what changed there if anything.
Thank you for running the tests. And yes, something weird certainly happened during or after the router reboot.
The 1st debug output file (
YazFi_DEBUG_2024-01-02_06-20-09.txt) of the initial "base config" ("
Allow Internet Access"
YES, "
Two Way to Guest"
NO) after installing
YazFi 4.4.5 version shows the expected debug info.
The 2nd debug output file (
YazFi_DEBUG_2024-01-02_06-34-59.txt) taken after the 5.0GHz Guest Network #2 was set up ("
Allow Internet Access"
NO, "
Two Way to Guest"
YES) for testing also shows the expected debug info, including the additional firewall rules to handle the 2-way-to-guest comms and the no-internet-access-allowed option.
However, the 3rd debug output file (
YazFi_DEBUG_2024-01-02_06-49-47.txt) taken
after rebooting the router is where things are weird. The debug info shows that *
all* the
FILTER table firewall rules for YazFi were gone and only some of the NAT table rules were found. This scenario looks like one of the "transient states" that usually happen when the system itself is resetting the firewall (e.g. "notify_rc restart_firewall") which can happen a few times during & right after a reboot, or when some changes are made via the webGUI or by some other script that require a firewall restart. Also, YazFi can initiate a reset of its own firewall rules under some conditions (there's a YazFi cron job that runs every 10 minutes that checks for this).
So it's possible that the firewall was being restarted exactly at the moment that you captured the debug info via the debug script. OTOH, I suppose it may be possible that somehow the FILTER table rules for YazFi were already missing when you ran your tests
after rebooting the router, which would explain why the tests (with "Allow Internet Access" set to
NO & "Two Way to Guest" set to
YES) appeared to work. I don't have enough data to know with certainty what actually happened between the router being rebooted, the tests being run, and the debug info being captured.
I've made some changes to the YazFi shell script, and this latest
4.4.5 version is dated "
2024-Jan-02" (shown on the script file header). Whenever you have time, please download this latest version for future tests. Also, the "
GetYazFiDebugInfo2.sh" debug script has been modified (see
post #35 for the updated version).
Please run the following sequence for testing whenever you can:
1) After downloading & replacing the current YazFi script with the latest
4.4.5 version, set up a YazFi Guest Network for testing ("
Allow Internet Access"
NO, "
Two Way to Guest"
YES). Make sure to restart YazFi by running the following command:
/jffs/scripts/YazFi runnow
2) Execute the "
GetYazFiDebugInfo2.sh" debug script right *
before* starting the tests.
3) Run your usual tests
4) Execute the "
GetYazFiDebugInfo2.sh" debug script right *
after* finishing the tests.
Save the two debug output files to a location so they survive a reboot.
5) Reboot the router. When completed & router is up & running, save the current syslog file (i.e.
syslog.log) to the same location where the debug output files were saved.
6) "Rinse and Repeat" steps
2 through
7) Save the current syslog file to the same location as previously done in step 5 (renamed, of course).
Hopefully, all the above data should provide enough clues to know what happens before and after a reboot.
Thank you for your time.
Some other comments after some more testing post router reboot. One thing I found is that any YazFi connected device with two (or more) network adapters, particularly if a cellular device with both cell network connection and wifi connection, I had to disable the non WiFi network adapters. Failure to do so would sometimes resulted in the device using the wrong network adapter even though WiFi was the selected main active connection and the other adapter wasn't connect to LAN/WiFi/Cellular. The OS (both Windows and Android) seems to try and use other network adapters when the WiFi network adapter didn't have internet access despite showing WiFI as the main connected network adapter.
Yes, in the past I have experienced the same situation with Windows PCs & smartphones. I have to disable the 2nd NIC adaptor or the cellular network to prevent them from switching automatically. That's why I've been using the iPads as Guest clients: they have no SIM card and I can easily set the "Auto-Join" option to OFF for all previously saved SSIDs except for the one I'm testing with.