The one with the interesting background story behind it.It's called Giga Hub 4000. it only has one 10G LAN
That one was created with a non-removable spf+ port on the fiber, because if you had the older model, you just took out the spf+ module and plug it into a router. They made this unit so that they can force the opportunity to sell you phone service (green ports).
In its firmware, there is no "router disabled -> PPPoe pass thru enabled" switch. However, if you set the conditions the router is left when they are in PPPoe pass thru, the modem will switch into that mode. Because the VOIP is a separate PPPoe modem internally.
Directions :
1. Get your b1 number from the HomeHub settings and your b1 password by either changing it or calling and asking.
2. Disable all wifi network and UPnP / DLNA / SIP ALG / DMZ
3. Plug your router into the 10G port.
4. login to your router and select PPPoe for the WAN type and enter your b1 account username/password save, and reboot the router if it doesn't do this automatically.
Now the WAN connection on the router has an outside address. Have a nice day.