Although order and proximity of the homepage elements are pretty logical in terms of time published, what do you think of adding a MMM-dd-YYYY (and even HH:mm AM/PM) to each of the preview block elements for articles, reviews, etc. on the SNB homepage and any/all other main index pages?
I find myself every now and then clicking through to a cross-comparison or feature article, who's dates are currently not displayed on their homepage "thumbnails", only to find out after clicking through it's from several years back, and either much less relevant due to being outdated, or it's been superseded by a newer version since (which, to your credit, you usually link to from within that article). It would be nicer to know the date and time up-front, for easier decision making on which content to browse.
Thanks for your consideration on this! I do realize you are at constant work on the homepage and general site layout, making it more user-friendly with each iteration, and it's definitely showing!
Although order and proximity of the homepage elements are pretty logical in terms of time published, what do you think of adding a MMM-dd-YYYY (and even HH:mm AM/PM) to each of the preview block elements for articles, reviews, etc. on the SNB homepage and any/all other main index pages?
I find myself every now and then clicking through to a cross-comparison or feature article, who's dates are currently not displayed on their homepage "thumbnails", only to find out after clicking through it's from several years back, and either much less relevant due to being outdated, or it's been superseded by a newer version since (which, to your credit, you usually link to from within that article). It would be nicer to know the date and time up-front, for easier decision making on which content to browse.
Thanks for your consideration on this! I do realize you are at constant work on the homepage and general site layout, making it more user-friendly with each iteration, and it's definitely showing!