Hello.I am trying to understand what is more effective on a daisy chain system
Which of the below hypothetically scenarios is better for the end client? let's for the sake of argument, assume that we are standing in an completely open field with no interruptions
1)ASUS 2*XT12 scenario
modem connected through ethernet with the first node, then a second node(satellite) is placed 40 feet away THEN another 40 feet away stands the client
2)ASUS 3*XT8 scenario
modem connected through ethernet with the first node, then a second node(satellite) is placed 40 feet away THEN a third node(2nd satellite) another 40 feet away and next to it(0,5 feet) stands the client
So basically, with no interruptions in between them in a 40 feet away scenario from the satellite node
is it better for the client to stand next to a xt8 node(2nd sat) which is not connected to the primary xt8 node BUT daisy chained to another xt8 node which in place is daisy chained to the primary xt8 node
is it better for the client to connect at the xt12 sat node which is 40 feet away BUT is directly connected to the primary xt12 ??
Of course I can purchase a 3rd XT12 node show do not hesitate to recommend that I was just asking to understand if it would be an overkill
Sincerely, hope that I haven't mind puzzled you!
Which of the below hypothetically scenarios is better for the end client? let's for the sake of argument, assume that we are standing in an completely open field with no interruptions
1)ASUS 2*XT12 scenario
modem connected through ethernet with the first node, then a second node(satellite) is placed 40 feet away THEN another 40 feet away stands the client
2)ASUS 3*XT8 scenario
modem connected through ethernet with the first node, then a second node(satellite) is placed 40 feet away THEN a third node(2nd satellite) another 40 feet away and next to it(0,5 feet) stands the client
So basically, with no interruptions in between them in a 40 feet away scenario from the satellite node
is it better for the client to stand next to a xt8 node(2nd sat) which is not connected to the primary xt8 node BUT daisy chained to another xt8 node which in place is daisy chained to the primary xt8 node
is it better for the client to connect at the xt12 sat node which is 40 feet away BUT is directly connected to the primary xt12 ??
Of course I can purchase a 3rd XT12 node show do not hesitate to recommend that I was just asking to understand if it would be an overkill
Sincerely, hope that I haven't mind puzzled you!