Hello. Has anyone tried to install OpenWrt firmware on our router?
OpenWRT installation process:
Download the sysupgrade image (from the OpenWRT-24alpha folder)
Download the TRX image (from the openwrt-initramfs-trx-for-web folder)
Install the downloaded TRX image via the AsusWRT WEB panel
Change the IP address on your computer to and wait 60...120 seconds
Through any browser, open the OpenWRT WEB panel at
Open the OpenWRT upgrade menu and install the sysupgrade image
Wait 60...120 seconds and you can configure the router at
Process of returning to stock AsusWRT:
Open the OpenWRT update menu and install the stock firmware image
Change the IP address on your computer to and wait 60...120 seconds
You will do everything described above at your own peril and risk! I disclaim all responsibility.
I installed this firmware myself, but could not figure out the Open Wrt interface.
ASUS_RT-AX89X – Google Drive

Download the sysupgrade image (from the OpenWRT-24alpha folder)
Download the TRX image (from the openwrt-initramfs-trx-for-web folder)
Install the downloaded TRX image via the AsusWRT WEB panel
Change the IP address on your computer to and wait 60...120 seconds
Through any browser, open the OpenWRT WEB panel at
Open the OpenWRT upgrade menu and install the sysupgrade image
Wait 60...120 seconds and you can configure the router at
Process of returning to stock AsusWRT:
Open the OpenWRT update menu and install the stock firmware image
Change the IP address on your computer to and wait 60...120 seconds
You will do everything described above at your own peril and risk! I disclaim all responsibility.
I installed this firmware myself, but could not figure out the Open Wrt interface.