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ASUS RT-N56U beta firmware

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Good day, first time here and not the most intelligent of when it comes to networks.

Here is my issue (both with the and your beta), I love the features but the enable radio timers do not seem to work well.

I tried the beta (I think you are on the right track) because I have had issues with the Enable Radio not shutting off as scheduled and catching my daughter streaming video from the internet in the middle of the night. A reboot seems to correct the problem.

I have tried to disable individual devices with the beta and it did not work (caught daughter surfing at midnight). So I went back to disabling all of the 2.4G on schedule again. Now I have discovered that the radio isn't turning back on in the morning and when I go into the settings the Enable Radio button is clicked off.

Any ideas?

The radio schedule is half broken in some versions of the firmware. Asus fixed it in the recent 178 release for other routers, so you'll have to wait for Asus to release an update for this router with this fix.

The radio schedule is half broken in some versions of the firmware. Asus fixed it in the recent 178 release for other routers, so you'll have to wait for Asus to release an update for this router with this fix.

This kid is killing me and I thought this router was my saviour. Oh well, hope that ASUS is actively working on it.

Any issues with putting the RT-N56U on a lamp timer to force a power-off and on in the middle of the night? Would that reset the schedule, right?
This kid is killing me and I thought this router was my saviour. Oh well, hope that ASUS is actively working on it.

Any issues with putting the RT-N56U on a lamp timer to force a power-off and on in the middle of the night? Would that reset the schedule, right?

Power cycling probably wouldn't help, since the firmware will have the radio set as "disabled" in nvram.

It's just a matter of patience. Asus has already fixed the bug in the code, it's just a matter of them releasing a newer version that includes that fix. You could try asking Jeremy here if he has a newer beta available that might include that fix.

If you want to go the alternative firmware route in the mean time, Padavan makes a custom firmware for the RT-N56U.
IPv6 woes

IPv6 works, except my log gets this repeated every second.

Aug 19 13:12:34 RT-N56U: start httpd
Aug 19 13:12:35 notify_rc : start_httpd
Aug 19 13:12:35 rc_service: start_httpd is waitting start_radvd...
Aug 19 13:12:35 radvd[7228]: Exiting, sigterm or sigint received.
Aug 19 13:12:35 radvd[7228]: sending stop adverts
Aug 19 13:12:35 radvd[7228]: removing /var/run/radvd.pid
Aug 19 13:12:35 radvd[7236]: version 1.9.1 started
Aug 19 13:12:36 RT-N56U: start httpd
Aug 19 13:12:36 notify_rc : start_radvd
Aug 19 13:12:36 notify_rc : start_httpd
Aug 19 13:12:36 rc_service: start_httpd is waitting start_radvd...
Aug 19 13:12:36 radvd[7239]: Exiting, sigterm or sigint received.
Aug 19 13:12:36 radvd[7239]: sending stop adverts
Aug 19 13:12:36 radvd[7239]: removing /var/run/radvd.pid
Aug 19 13:12:36 radvd[7237]: Exiting, privsep_read_loop had readn return 0 bytes
Aug 19 13:12:36 radvd[7246]: version 1.9.1 started

After a while the router crashes, presumably because the log gets too full. Tried telnetting in, couldn't work it out.
2.4 GHz 40Mhz setting appears to be broken!

I've noticed a problem in this firmware (and the previous release) with the 2.4GHz WiFi settings. When selecting either 40MHz or 20/40Mhz, the extension channel options are simply "Upper" and "Lower". However, they are the wrong way around.

Let's say I choose Channel 5 as the main channel. In order to have Channel 1 as the extension, I have to select "Upper", not "Lower". Not a great issue, unless I want Channel 1 as the main channel. The only option available then is "Upper", but that would mean an extension channel BELOW Channel 1, which is not possible.

This leads to the problem of 40MHz being impossible to use if Channel 1 is selected as the main channel - the extra channel is cut off leaving only the main 20Mhz wide channel 1, and a max connection of 130Mbps.

Bizarrely if I select Channels 2, 3 or 4, then the Extension option changes to the correct "Upper", and works properly at 40Mhz. Once the channel gets to 5 or higher, the Extension option is reversed again.

At the other end of the spectrum, on Channel 13, the Extension option is once again backwards, with "Upper" meaning "Lower", but properly functions using 40Mhz (300Mbps).

Can anyone else confirm this? Be careful in changing WiFi channels - my RT-N56U crashed horribly after about 5 changes, and had to be reset to defaults to allow access to the web interface!
I've noticed a problem in this firmware (and the previous release) with the 2.4GHz WiFi settings. When selecting either 40MHz or 20/40Mhz, the extension channel options are simply "Upper" and "Lower". However, they are the wrong way around.

Let's say I choose Channel 5 as the main channel. In order to have Channel 1 as the extension, I have to select "Upper", not "Lower". Not a great issue, unless I want Channel 1 as the main channel. The only option available then is "Upper", but that would mean an extension channel BELOW Channel 1, which is not possible.

This leads to the problem of 40MHz being impossible to use if Channel 1 is selected as the main channel - the extra channel is cut off leaving only the main 20Mhz wide channel 1, and a max connection of 130Mbps.

Bizarrely if I select Channels 2, 3 or 4, then the Extension option changes to the correct "Upper", and works properly at 40Mhz. Once the channel gets to 5 or higher, the Extension option is reversed again.

At the other end of the spectrum, on Channel 13, the Extension option is once again backwards, with "Upper" meaning "Lower", but properly functions using 40Mhz (300Mbps).

Can anyone else confirm this? Be careful in changing WiFi channels - my RT-N56U crashed horribly after about 5 changes, and had to be reset to defaults to allow access to the web interface!

Funny - somehow, that's the third discussion related to this in the past two days :D See this thread for the explanation.

Hi all!

Beta version available now on the first post!
Hi all!

Beta version available now on the first post!

thanks, but maybe you can provide some changelog

also might want check the wifi part. with the official firmware ( on 5.2 Ghz paired w/ an intel centrino 6230 i can max out my bandwidth - 11 mB/s - 88 mbps with the custom firmware i get about 8 mB/s so its a 3 mB/s or 24 mbps loss of speed .

its not isp related of environment related. I checked on wired connection i maxed it out, i switch to official firmware (5 mins time difference i maxed it out)

I still haven't got an answer regarding my earlier problem with the USB Disk getting unmounted. but hey take ur time its only been a month since i reported it
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Funny - somehow, that's the third discussion related to this in the past two days :D See this thread for the explanation.

Hmm, ok so that explains the Upper/Lower thing. But why does using channel 1 as the main (Lower) so that the extension *should* be channel 5, result in 20Mhz only with no sign of ch5 being used? The explanation in that post offers no solution to that.

Also, the description of the extension channel needs changing, as it explicitly states that Upper/Lower applies to the extension channel, not the main.

Quote: "Select the extension channel used in the 20/40MHz channel bandwidth mode. 802.11n uses the extension channel to get extra speed. For channels 1 to 4, you can only select an upper channel. For channels 5 to 7, you can select a lower or an upper channel as the extension channel. For channels above 7, you can only select a lower channel."
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Well the newest beta went in smoothly ( I made sure I put Pavadan's back to "default" then went directly to the firmware update page.

When done, I went to the "" page and did "mtd-erase -d nvram" and "reboot".

THEN I ran through the configuration steps.

A couple quirks. It took awhile for a usb drive to show up on the SAMBA page, even though I could reach the shared drive from my laptop. It eventually showed up.

Media Server, STILL needs Download Master to be installed before you can get to the Media Server configuration page. :mad: (This is just plain stupid, IMHO). The Media Server install STILL doesn't install the lighttpd web server. A simple "IF... THEN... ELSE" in the install script would fix this.
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OK, since Download Master is "required" I thought I would mess around with it, instead of using my local uTorrent.

One thing that's frustrating me - Enabling blocklist. And keeping it enabled.

I've edited the \Download2\config\settings.json file, and set: "blocklist-enabled": true, and I've put ipfilter.dat file in the \Download2\config\blocklists directory.

But for it to take hold, I have to restart the Download Master (transmission). I've gone through web interface of "Disable" then "Enable" Download Master, which restarts the deamon. The ipfilter.dat gets converted to a ipfilter.bin properly, BUT it rewrites the "settings.json" file back to default of "blocklist-enabled": false, so it doesn't use the blocklist.

Also, when you reboot the router, the Download Master's settings revert back to default, no blocklist, Bitorrent encryption = Encryption enabled (I prefer =Encryption required).

Have to say, if Asus is going to include Transmission, NZB, aMule, MiniDLNA, SAMBA, they SHOULD allow us to use all the features (or at least give us an "Advanced Config" for each one). Quit "dumbing down" perfectly good tools. :mad::mad::mad:
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But for it to take hold, I have to restart the Download Master (transmission). I've gone through web interface of "Disable" then "Enable" Download Master, which restarts the deamon. The ipfilter.dat gets converted to a ipfilter.bin properly, BUT it rewrites the "settings.json" file back to default of "blocklist-enabled": false, so it doesn't use the blocklist.

Also, when you reboot the router, the Download Master's settings revert back to default, no blocklist, Bitorrent encryption = Encryption enabled (I prefer =Encryption required).

Try stopping the daemon first, using "Disable". Then edit the "settings.json" file. then start the daemon using "Enable". IIRC, Transmission daemon will write its current settings to the "settings.json" file when it stops; that's why you are losing your changes.

BTW, is amule part of the Download Master in the beta firmware? Have you tried it?

Aaa, neat trick. I will try it. Although I did find another way to keep the settings. Remove the USB drive, then reconnect it. I think it's working.

Yes, Amule is included. I haven't tried it, as I'm not familiar with it :eek:
Anyone else notice that the router internal clock resets itself with every reboot ? (to 1st Jan 2011). I have to go into the system options and press the 'apply' button each time to ensure that the ntp time gets enforced.

Suffered a power outage the other day and I had a torrent at 95% when the router abruptly switched off. On reboot the asusware apps would not load. I had to unplug the external usb drive and clean up some of the router related files in the root to get the apps to work again.
However download master started to re-download the whole torrent. It wasnt resuming the partially downloaded torrent.
Is it possible that by deleting some of the config files (at the root of the usb drive) I somehow tripped the transmission-daemon?. Also does anyone have any suggestions as to how this should be handled next time?.
Since there's no battery in the router to maintain the date/time, there isn't much you can do. :(
Every hour log

Every hour on the hour I get this information logged....What does it mean and why is it doing this?

Aug 25 10:59:57 notify_rc : restart_radvd
Aug 25 10:59:57 radvd[1149]: Exiting, sigterm or sigint received.
Aug 25 10:59:57 radvd[1149]: sending stop adverts
Aug 25 10:59:57 radvd[1149]: removing /var/run/radvd.pid
Aug 25 10:59:57 dhcp6s[14261]: yyerror0: /etc/dhcp6s.conf 1: fatal parse failure: exiting
Aug 25 10:59:57 dhcp6s[14261]: main: failed to parse configuration file
Aug 25 10:59:57 radvd[14262]: version 1.9.1 started

Is there something I should do to not have it do this? I don't recall seeing it in the last firmware....

Any help would be appreciated...
Ai_Disk folder?


Just upgraded to the beta firmware.

Have no beef with it except for the fact that the router has not created an "Ai_disk" folder that holds all of the data on my external HDD (that is connected to the router).

Because of this, I cannot simply map a network connection to the whole drive (rather, i would have to map a drive to each of the several folders).

Any suggestions?

Just upgraded to the beta firmware.

Have no beef with it except for the fact that the router has not created an "Ai_disk" folder that holds all of the data on my external HDD (that is connected to the router).

Because of this, I cannot simply map a network connection to the whole drive (rather, i would have to map a drive to each of the several folders).

Any suggestions?

Create a folder called "Share" and move all your sub-folders inside it.

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