I got a new laptop recently, and found that the upcharge for a 2- or 3-stream network wireless interface card was way more than I'll pay for an external 2- or 3-stream external wireless adapter. So I bought the laptop with the single-stream wireless-n card internal, and this is fine for the time being. Of course, if I need more speed, or both 2.4GHz. and 5GHz. bands, then I'll need to get that external wireless adapter.
Just pointing out that because you have a "sucky" internal wireless adapter for your laptop doesn't mean that it has to stay that way. You can get a decent external wireless-n adapter that includes the 5GHz. band if you want. Personally, I don't have much use at the moment for 5GHz. because of it's range limitations. If I lived in a one-room apartment, life would be different *smile*.
Just pointing out that because you have a "sucky" internal wireless adapter for your laptop doesn't mean that it has to stay that way. You can get a decent external wireless-n adapter that includes the 5GHz. band if you want. Personally, I don't have much use at the moment for 5GHz. because of it's range limitations. If I lived in a one-room apartment, life would be different *smile*.