Router AX11000
Node AX92U Wired
Node AX92U Wi-Fi
Main router (AX11000) has been running for 3 days without rebooting itself. Yey

(Rebooted randomly at first)
The nodes a little less as they had to be manually rebooted several times before becoming "
stable". All the radios stopped transmitting all the time...
Something happened around noon today as I got a warning that a security cam no longer was connected to the internet.
I had used the AiMesh 2.0 feature to bind the cam to the wired node. The cam only uses 2.4 GHz and I have separate SSID for all three bands.
I was not able to check the radios as I was at work, but I could access the WebGUI to see that the cam was still connected to the wired node somehow.
When removing the bind option, the cam immediately connected to the main router instead.
Looking at the Wireless Log, I could see that the router had detected radar on the 5 GHz-2 band and changed channel. Maybe it's real radar but most likely a false positive and possibly caused by either of the nodes somehow.
When the router changes channel on the 5GHz-2 band, the nodes are never able to reconnect again. Even if the router eventually returns to the same channel as before.
Coming home from work, I could verify that the radios on the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz-1 band had indeed stopped working on the wired node.
Although the wireless node was transmitting on the same 5 GHz-2 channel as the router, it could not reconnect.
After a few manual reboots on the nodes, it's all up and running again.
The AX11000 did not need any reboot and is still alive and kicking.
However, I can not determine if the reconnect problem of the nodes is with the nodes or the router, or maybe both.
I really hope
@ASUSWRT_2020 can figure this out.