Hi all,
I post just an update for the AXE16000:
With the last merlin firmware i am able to route/nat 10gb without Qos enabled.
One 10Gb port on wan (eth5) and the other 10Gb port on lan (eth6), all connected to 10Gb manageable switch.
First test:
The first download test was done with and apache server (nvme and 10Gb ethernet card) on wan side, and 10Gb client on Lan site, HW nat end fc are enabled on the asus router.
A also test with an iperf
A capture with a iperf server on wan side and client on lan side, with AI Protection, and Parental Control Enabled, its really 1GB so near 10Gb!
The only issue is with Qos enabled, i can't get more than 2Gb bandwitch with adaptatible QOS, maybe i had a bad config somewhere.
So this router can be usable for 10Gb fiber link without many issues.
Second test:
I also tried an lacp bond with the two 10Gb ports connects to the switch with multi vlan over the bond.(Usefull when we have a capable 10Gb NAS and 10Gb Internet and some 10Gb devices)
The interfaces:
bond0 (eth5,eth6) in lacp.
vlan 20 for wan
vlan 30,40,50,60,70 for IoT,KidsLan,Guest,Dmz..
I fixed wan interface on eth0 with vlan on iptv configuration( so vlan20 was registred as Wan interface)
I deleted vlan 20 on boot and used ip link command to create bond, vlan, bridge
I recreated vlan 20 over the bond, and add bond0 on lan bridge.
And created other vlan interface and set ip address and custom iptables rules.
I test intervlan routing, and wan/(lan|dmz) nat and routing with iperfs clients and serveurs ont differents subnets all vlan over 20Gb bond (eth5,eth6) and i get near 18Gb throughput whith multiples connections
If its can help for choice.