Viktor Jaep
Part of the Furniture
I've tried everything and I am unable to load BackupMon.
When I try to launch it, I get:
External USB Drive Label Name is not sufficient. Please give it a value, other than blank. Omit any spaces.
I tried to give the 2 USB drives connected a Label, as shown by blkid:
View attachment 54265
Any suggestions?
Try this helpful script that @Martinski came up with to help troubleshoot this...
Please copy & paste the following set of commands on your SSH terminal window and post the resulting file (USB_MountPoints_DEBUG.txt):
printf "$(nvram get productid): "
printf "$(nvram get firmver).$(nvram get buildno).$(nvram get extendno)\n"
printf "\nBLKID\n-----\n"
printf "\nMOUNT /dev/sd.*\n---------------\n"
mount | grep "/dev/sd.*"
printf "\nMOUNT /tmp/mnt/.*\n-----------------\n"
mount | grep "/tmp/mnt/.*"
} > $HOME/USB_MountPoints_DEBUG.txt
oh... hum... why is it just called /dev/sda on your setup, and not /dev/sda1. That's probably why... because I'm checking for sda1 by default. It's checking for a drive label that's not in existence. I may need to tweak this logic somewhat.
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