Very Senior Member
The antennas are fine, you have a poor AP location - move the AP - bigger antennas do not help...
5GHz is always a challenge - if you can't drill to run cable, then consider HomePlugs as a possible option.
But leave the antennas alone..
Yeah, you'll want/need to find a way to move that access point. Or add another one. Higher gain antennas are going to flatten the coverage, which will REDUCE it above and below the router (unless angling the antennas, but then you reduce the coverage on the existing floor). 7dBi antennas have a half power beam width of around 17 degree IIRC, which is pretty compact (or maybe that is a 5dBi and 7dBi is 11 degrees?). Also since I think that router comes with 5dBi already, a 2dBi gain isn't going to get you much.
I am a HUGE proponent of bigger antennas, so long as you don't have noisome neighbors to contend with, but it also has to be matched with good AP placement. A 2dBi gain might get you 5-20% gain in throughput at medium and long range, but in terms of resolving an actual dead spot, it'll get you little. The higher the antenna gain, the more you NEED an access point on each floor.