Very Senior Member
Hi everyone,
I have an Oppo bluray player (103) which is connected to an Asus RT-AC3200 (media bridge with another router of same model) via Ethernet cable. I dont use it every day to access Netflix/Pandora/YouTube but when I do I always have to restart my media bridge because that is the only way that it allows the bluray to connect to the internet. I have other devices as well that are connected to the same media bridge via ethernet cables and they always remain online. Anyone has any idea how to troubleshoot this? Any advice on how to tweak each device's settings as well? Note that I have reset the settings of the bluray to factory defaults many times before but that has never solved the issues. Thanks a lot in advance.
I have an Oppo bluray player (103) which is connected to an Asus RT-AC3200 (media bridge with another router of same model) via Ethernet cable. I dont use it every day to access Netflix/Pandora/YouTube but when I do I always have to restart my media bridge because that is the only way that it allows the bluray to connect to the internet. I have other devices as well that are connected to the same media bridge via ethernet cables and they always remain online. Anyone has any idea how to troubleshoot this? Any advice on how to tweak each device's settings as well? Note that I have reset the settings of the bluray to factory defaults many times before but that has never solved the issues. Thanks a lot in advance.