Having not really used this feature much in the past, I don't know where or when the following problem/bug crept into the firmware. I noticed it after monitoring my FTP server traffic over a prolonged period of a few hours.
When traffic manager is first opened and I switch to the wired view, the scaling works absolutely fine (e.g. from 0 - 1000 KB/s) and a nice graph is displayed for a few hours, whereupon the scaling changes to a completely arbitrary (e.g. 3005.98 KB/s - 12023.93 KB/s) resulting in nothing being displayed on the graph because the scaling is so high. I have confirmed this behaviour on a number of occasions by leaving the Traffic Monitor - Traffic Monitor <Wired> tab open for a few hours.
I am using Asuswrt-Merlin on RT-N66U with Google Chrome 32.
Has anyone else noticed this strange behaviour?
When traffic manager is first opened and I switch to the wired view, the scaling works absolutely fine (e.g. from 0 - 1000 KB/s) and a nice graph is displayed for a few hours, whereupon the scaling changes to a completely arbitrary (e.g. 3005.98 KB/s - 12023.93 KB/s) resulting in nothing being displayed on the graph because the scaling is so high. I have confirmed this behaviour on a number of occasions by leaving the Traffic Monitor - Traffic Monitor <Wired> tab open for a few hours.
I am using Asuswrt-Merlin on RT-N66U with Google Chrome 32.
Has anyone else noticed this strange behaviour?
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