I'm trying to create a few rules around some IP's I want to filter and redirect away from my VPN on my ASUS router.
The problem is I don't know all the exact IP's but do know the general format and would be fine with a few false positives from using a more general rule.
They are all in the: 52.xxx.xxx.xxx and 54.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx range. Is there a way to include all those via a CIDR line?
From my research I was thinking & but it doesn't seem to be doing what I would expect?
The problem is I don't know all the exact IP's but do know the general format and would be fine with a few false positives from using a more general rule.
They are all in the: 52.xxx.xxx.xxx and 54.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx range. Is there a way to include all those via a CIDR line?
From my research I was thinking & but it doesn't seem to be doing what I would expect?