My E3000 which I got back in May ran pretty dang warm, so warm in fact that I propped it up with some grommets to give the thing some more breathing room on the bottom. However, recently it started to loose connection to all my network devices and wireless during loads, though nothing that stressfull. I relented myself that it was dying despite my best efforts. Thankfully for Costco, I was able to exchange it for a Netgear 3800 which I hated for many reasons. Got my money back and picked up E4200 at Walmart for $160.
In an effort to hopefully prevent another slow cooking unit, i've propped it up as well. I hope this unit last longer, ive already complained to Linksys their routers need better passive cooling
Costco E4200V1 for $139 is where I got mine from after getting rid of the Belkin N750DB for $89 at Costco. My E4200V1 is a work horse here along with it's matching two RE1000V1 might have to get a 3rd one? I offload the switching on the E4200V1 with the Cisco two switches mention in my sig below. What Cisco needs to do is add a 12dcV fan with a heat sensor. I have central air on 24/7 around the clock here so E4200V1 keeps at 78 off summer months and 75 doing the summer.