Occasional Visitor
I know I can get a /60 subnet assigned by Comcast ( shows the settings for dhcp6c.conf
What I'm wondering is if/how I can assign different subnets to different interfaces? For example, I would like to assign one subnet to the guest wireless (wl0.2 and wl1.2) and another for my private LAN.
I know all these interfaces are bridged into br0, so would I have to unbridge them and create 2 separate bridges and add manual routes? Or is it something as simple as just bridging wl0.2 and wl1.2 into br1 and changing dhcp6c.conf from:
What I'm wondering is if/how I can assign different subnets to different interfaces? For example, I would like to assign one subnet to the guest wireless (wl0.2 and wl1.2) and another for my private LAN.
I know all these interfaces are bridged into br0, so would I have to unbridge them and create 2 separate bridges and add manual routes? Or is it something as simple as just bridging wl0.2 and wl1.2 into br1 and changing dhcp6c.conf from:
interface eth0 {
script "/tmp/dhcp6c";
send rapid-commit;
send ia-na 37464;
send ia-pd 37464;
id-assoc na 37464 { };
id-assoc pd 37464 {
prefix-interface br0 {
sla-id 1;
sla-len 0;
interface eth0 {
script "/tmp/dhcp6c";
send rapid-commit;
send ia-na 37464;
send ia-pd 37464;
id-assoc na 37464 { };
id-assoc pd 37464 {
[B]prefix ::/60 infinity;[/B]
prefix-interface br0 {
sla-id 1;
[B]sla-len 4;[/B]
prefix-interface br1 {
[B]sla-id 2;[/B]
[B]sla-len 4;[/B]