R. Gerrits
Very Senior Member
Router doesn't use dnsmasq as dhcp server, but uses udhcpd.does it support setting custom DNSMasq settings?
If you want that to send a different dns server option, then ssh or telnet into the router and edit /etc/init.d/net-lan .
On line 32 change option dns $($CONFIG get lan_ipaddr) into option dns x.x.x.x
(where x.x.x.x is the IP address you want to send)
After a reboot it should then start issuing another DNS server.
(if you don't want to reboot, then also edit /tmp/udhcpd.conf and do a killall udhcpd && udhcpd /tmp/udhcpd.conf)
If you also plan on using OpenVPN server and have those also use your PiHole, then also edit etc/init.d/openvpn.
(look for push "dhcp-option DNS $lan_ipaddr")
Changes must be re-applied after a firmware update.