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Desperately Requesting Assistance: Honeywell Redlink Internet Gateway [Happening Again]

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I am desperately in need of help. A device on my network, a Honeywell Redlink Internet Gateway, which provides internet access to a thermostat that does not have Wireless capabilities, can no longer access the internet.

Honeywell Redlink Internet Gateway: https://www.resideo.com/us/en/pro/p...ethernet-cable-and-power-cord-thm6000r7001-u/


About a month ago when I went on the app that I use to control the thermostat from my phone, the app reported that is lost communication to the internet. So I looked at the gateway and the internet light was amber. I power-cycled the gateway and all was well. A couple weeks later, same issue. Again, power-cycled. It got to the point where I was power cycling this weekly. Then it got to the point it was losing internet connection within an hour. At that point, I knew something was wrong.

When I say I have extensively troubleshooted this with the manufacturer of the device, I mean it. 2 hours with both a chat agent and a phone call with Resideo. Both conversations end with the issue being on my end and beyond their scope of support.

The gateway acquires an IP address from the router successfully, but when it tries to ping or connect to the servers, it cannot do it. This is a description of the Internet LED status:
  • Solid Red: No Ethernet Connection (cable disconnected or Ethernet connection error)
  • Solid Amber: Ethernet Connection Detected (cable connected and Gateway is retrieving the IP address)
  • Blinking Amber: Acquiring DHCP
  • Blinking Green: Data Exchange with TCC
  • Solid Green: Normal, Connected to TCC
What I am observing:
  1. Solid Amber
  2. Blinking Amber
  3. Blinking Green (Indeterminate amount of time)
My network consists of the following:
  • RT-AC86U (AiMesh Router)
  • RT-AC88U (AiMesh Node)
I have a range of devices connected, such as phones, tablets, computers, smart plugs, even a wireless heating-oil gauge, all having zero issues. However this gateway, will not connect.

Steps I have performed:
  • Connected device to an ethernet switch (on a different port on the router)
  • Replaced device with a new device including components (Ethernet cable and power adapter)
  • Factory reset RT-AC86U
  • DMZ'd IP address of device
  • Disabled Firewall on RT-AC86U
  • Allowed ICMP pings on RT-AC86U
I have tried everything I could think of. I even asked a technician that installed the thermostat and gateway device to come out and have a look. He ended up replacing the gateway with one from his truck. Same issue.

I was e-mailed a Networking technical document by Resideo, please see attached. The document says the following outgoing connections are supposed to take place:

Dataserver1.alarmnet.com TCP Port 443/HTTPS
Dataserver2.alarmnet.com TCP Port 443/HTTPS
Auiredir1.alarmnet.com TCP Port 443/HTTPS
Auiredir2.alarmnet.com TCP Port 443/HTTPS
Auiredir3.alarmnet.com TCP Port 443/HTTPS

However, when I consult active connections on the RT-AC86U, I am seeing the following:


Researching the IPs above I can see the following: https://myip.ms/view/ip_addresses/3342750720/

I asked the technician if any customers have reported something like this and he said not that he knows of and he said there are a lot of customers with Redlink Thermostats.

I am at a total loss of what this issue could be. Resideo says the issue is with my local network and I have to believe them because if it was not, this issue would have been reported.

I thank anyone in advance for taking the time to read this and offering any suggestions.

Thank you,

- Rick


  • Networking Information.pdf
    150.2 KB · Views: 545
I see from this that some routers are detecting traffic from those IP addresses as a DOS attack. Although that shouldn't really be the case as according to your documentation there's only ever outgoing connections.

Try turning off AiProtection and Firewall/DoS protection (leave the firewall on though).
What Asus firmware are you using?
Use Dual Band SmartConnect with simple SSID, upper case and lower case letters only. Passphrase use letters and numbers only. WIFI 2.4 GHZ set to CH 1, 6, or 11 at 20 MHZ. 5 GHZ set to 80 MHZ CH 36 or 149. Leave all other WIFI settings at default.
I don't believe he's using WiFi at all. It sounds like he has his device connected by Ethernet directly into the primary router.
Hello there,

Thank you so much for responding.

I see from this that some routers are detecting traffic from those IP addresses as a DOS attack. Although that shouldn't really be the case as according to your documentation there's only ever outgoing connections.

Try turning off AiProtection and Firewall/DoS protection (leave the firewall on though).

I have never used AiProtection so it has already been disabled and I have disabled the Firewall and DOS protection. Same issue.

What Asus firmware are you using?
Use Dual Band SmartConnect with simple SSID, upper case and lower case letters only. Passphrase use letters and numbers only. WIFI 2.4 GHZ set to CH 1, 6, or 11 at 20 MHZ. 5 GHZ set to 80 MHZ CH 36 or 149. Leave all other WIFI settings at default.

The firmware I am using is the latest for my router is

The gateway is not wireless, ethernet only.

Thank you so much for those suggestions.
Oh my god I just saw that there was a firmware upgrade available. I know for certain I have checked for a firmware upgrade many times during the troubleshooting process.

I'm going to try that upgrade now and see.
I'm assuming those IP addresses are valid (as they belong to Honeywell) and the supplied document is just out of date or incomplete. You might want to verify that with Honeywell though just in case it's some development server that erroneously made it into the finished product.

Given that the document says it makes outgoing connections every 5 seconds the TIME_WAITs are to be expected. However, if you keep hitting the refresh button you would normally expect to be able to catch one of those addresses with an ESTABLISHED state.

Your device has two LEDs (internet and redlink). Can you confirm the state of each LED after the device has initialised itself?

P.S. Is that a firmware upgrade for the Honeywell device you're talking about?
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I'm assuming those IP addresses are valid (as they belong to Honeywell) and the supplied document is just out of date or incomplete. You might want to verify that with Honeywell though just in case it's some development server that erroneously made it into the finished product.

Given that the document says it makes outgoing connections every 5 seconds the TIME_WAITs are to be expected. However, if you keep hitting the refresh button you would normally expect to be able to catch one of those addresses with an ESTABLISHED state.

Your device has two LEDs (internet and redlink). Can you confirm the state of each LED after the device has initialised itself?

P.S. Is that a firmware upgrade for the Honeywell device you're talking about?

Sorry I had to help my father with something while the firmware upgrade for the router was taking place.

I am now using firmware which is the latest on the router.

The device has 3 LEDs, Internet, Power, RedLink. Both the Power and Redlink LEDs are solid green. The internet LED is still flashing green after I powered cycled the device after the firmware upgrade took place on the router.

The gateway device has no HTTP/S web GUI support, nor can I ping it. However, when I was on the phone with Resideo yesterday, they were able to see the gateway connected via the Mac Addr of the device. So they could see that it was online.

What you suggested regarding the development server is what I'm thinking but how, out of all the customers who use this device, could I be the only one experiencing this issue? They would have been made aware of it.

See, this gateway allows remote access/app access via phone/tablet to a thermostat for anyone who had an older thermostat with only 2 wires running to it and cannot, without a heavy re-wire, use a 5 wire thermostat.

Edit: Regarding the TIME_WAIT... not one of the entries are changing to ESTABLISHED.
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Sorry I had to help my father with something while the firmware upgrade for the router was taking place.

I am now using firmware which is the latest on the router.

The device has 3 LEDs, Internet, Power, RedLink. Both the Power and Redlink LEDs are solid green. The internet LED is still flashing green after I powered cycled the device after the firmware upgrade took place on the router.

The gateway device has no HTTP/S web GUI support, nor can I ping it. However, when I was on the phone with Resideo yesterday, they were able to see the gateway connected via the Mac Addr of the device. So they could see that it was online.

What you suggested regarding the development server is what I'm thinking but how, out of all the customers who use this device, could I be the only one experiencing this issue? They would have been made aware of it.

See, this gateway allows remote access/app access via phone/tablet to a thermostat for anyone who had an older thermostat with only 2 wires running to it and cannot, without a heavy re-wire, use a 5 wire thermostat.

Edit: Regarding the TIME_WAIT... not one of the entries are changing to ESTABLISHED.
The development server idea was a bit of a long shot and as you say it would effect lots of other people as well. Does the Honeywell have a firmware that can be updated?

The LED status indicates everything is working OK. But I guess that's the case now, same as it was when you spoke to Resideo (because they could see the connection their end). The question is what is the state of the LEDs and the connection to the server when you're actually experiencing the problem. Do the LEDs change?

P.S. You probably can't catch an ESTABLISHED connection because it's too brief. But AFAIK to be seeing a TIME_WAIT means it must have been previously established.
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So I just got off the phone with Resideo. They are at a loss.

They asked me to port forward 80, 113, and 443 to the IP address of the gateway. I told them that would not help but went along with it. It did not work. Internet light still flashes green.

When you are experiencing an issue with the gateway, the internet LED light will move from solid green to solid amber. At least that is what happened in my case. That is how I first recognized a problem. When I power-cycled the device, the gateway connected just fine. But then time frame between being connected and losing connection grew shorter and shorter to the point where I'm at now.

Resideo has asked me to bring the gateway to a friend's house and see if it connects. So I am going to be doing that in a few minutes.

There is no way to upgrade the firmware on the gateway. There is no user interaction with this device. Which in my opinion is not very smart.

I thank you for all your help and suggestions. I will keep this thread updated.

Thanks for the update. So from the LED status it looks like after a while it tries to renew its IP address from DHCP but can't.

What is the current router setting for LAN > DHCP Server > Lease time (seconds) ? The default value is 86400 which is 24 hours, so it should try to renew it after 12 hours.

If you haven't done so already I suggest that you create a reserved IP address for the device in DHCP, say And change the lease time to 1209600 which is 14 days. After applying those changes power cycle the device and check that it has picked up its new reserved IP address. Now see how long it takes for you to experience the problem.

P.S. Remove the pointless port forwarding rules to avoid potential issues in the future.
Sorry for responding so late. I plugged the gateway into my friend's network and the same issue occurs. Flashing green for the Internet LED status. I'm currently not at home so I cannot try those things, but I removed the port forwarding rules already.

So the issue is the gateway immediately experiences the issue with regards to being able to connect to the network.

I talked to Resideo this evening after plugging the gateway into my friend's network and they are now interested in troubleshooting this issue on their end. So tomorrow at 2 PM EST they are going to call me back and I guess we'll see what happens.

I will of course keep this thread updated.

Thank you so much for your suggestions and helping me out. I really appreciate it!!
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My friend's network is behind an Netgear AC1600.

Sadly, the tech support from Resideo never called me. I am waiting to speak to Resideo once again :|

I'm afraid that I might be out of luck as far as getting this gateway to communicate to the servers it needs to. If I want remote access to the thermostat, my only option is rewire for a 5-wire thermostat that supports Wireless connectivity.

I'm not sure what else I can do.

I am desperately in need of help. A device on my network, a Honeywell Redlink Internet Gateway, which provides internet access to a thermostat that does not have Wireless capabilities, can no longer access the internet.

Honeywell Redlink Internet Gateway: https://www.resideo.com/us/en/pro/p...ethernet-cable-and-power-cord-thm6000r7001-u/


About a month ago when I went on the app that I use to control the thermostat from my phone, the app reported that is lost communication to the internet. So I looked at the gateway and the internet light was amber. I power-cycled the gateway and all was well. A couple weeks later, same issue. Again, power-cycled. It got to the point where I was power cycling this weekly. Then it got to the point it was losing internet connection within an hour. At that point, I knew something was wrong.

When I say I have extensively troubleshooted this with the manufacturer of the device, I mean it. 2 hours with both a chat agent and a phone call with Resideo. Both conversations end with the issue being on my end and beyond their scope of support.

The gateway acquires an IP address from the router successfully, but when it tries to ping or connect to the servers, it cannot do it. This is a description of the Internet LED status:
  • Solid Red: No Ethernet Connection (cable disconnected or Ethernet connection error)
  • Solid Amber: Ethernet Connection Detected (cable connected and Gateway is retrieving the IP address)
  • Blinking Amber: Acquiring DHCP
  • Blinking Green: Data Exchange with TCC
  • Solid Green: Normal, Connected to TCC
What I am observing:
  1. Solid Amber
  2. Blinking Amber
  3. Blinking Green (Indeterminate amount of time)
My network consists of the following:
  • RT-AC86U (AiMesh Router)
  • RT-AC88U (AiMesh Node)
I have a range of devices connected, such as phones, tablets, computers, smart plugs, even a wireless heating-oil gauge, all having zero issues. However this gateway, will not connect.

Steps I have performed:
  • Connected device to an ethernet switch (on a different port on the router)
  • Replaced device with a new device including components (Ethernet cable and power adapter)
  • Factory reset RT-AC86U
  • DMZ'd IP address of device
  • Disabled Firewall on RT-AC86U
  • Allowed ICMP pings on RT-AC86U
I have tried everything I could think of. I even asked a technician that installed the thermostat and gateway device to come out and have a look. He ended up replacing the gateway with one from his truck. Same issue.

I was e-mailed a Networking technical document by Resideo, please see attached. The document says the following outgoing connections are supposed to take place:

Dataserver1.alarmnet.com TCP Port 443/HTTPS
Dataserver2.alarmnet.com TCP Port 443/HTTPS
Auiredir1.alarmnet.com TCP Port 443/HTTPS
Auiredir2.alarmnet.com TCP Port 443/HTTPS
Auiredir3.alarmnet.com TCP Port 443/HTTPS

However, when I consult active connections on the RT-AC86U, I am seeing the following:


Researching the IPs above I can see the following: https://myip.ms/view/ip_addresses/3342750720/

I asked the technician if any customers have reported something like this and he said not that he knows of and he said there are a lot of customers with Redlink Thermostats.

I am at a total loss of what this issue could be. Resideo says the issue is with my local network and I have to believe them because if it was not, this issue would have been reported.

I thank anyone in advance for taking the time to read this and offering any suggestions.

Thank you,

- Rick
Interesting thread. So how long has the thermostat been working on ethernet prior to it failing to work? You say there is no interaction with the device; what about the app? Are there any settings in there? Curious if maybe you can access it via a web browser (on the same network) by typing in the IP address for the device and see if maybe some sort of management page pops up. I looked at the link you provided and the documents and they are not very helpful. Did tech support possibly suggest registering the Mac address and Mac crc again on the mytotalconnectcomfort.com account? Just tossing out some things
Hello everyone,

First and foremost, I want to thank each and everyone of you for taking the time to read my issue, taking the time to suggest solutions, and most importantly, being patient and helping me out.

I was able to talk to an actual Resideo tech support consultant. I'm not sure what department I was talking to before but whoever I just spoke to was a supervisor that they were able to forward me to.

After explaining to him the issues I was having, he took a chance and tried to register my Gateway with their service which is done via Mac Address and a special CRC code. And guess what?! IT WORKED. Internet Status LED went from Flashing green to solid green immediately.

Now, I'm not going to lie, I was kind of upset that it worked with such a simple fix but I will tell you, like I told the guy I spoke to, that I tried registering before, but it kept failing. HOWEVER, I did not try to register the THIRD gateway (My current gateway). If you remember, I have had 3...
  • Original
  • One from Amazon
  • One from Horizon
And when the one from Amazon would flash green, I tried to register it and it kept failing. Which ONLY MEANS TWO THINGS:

My original gateway went bad and the one from Amazon was defective!!!

And then the guy from tech support told me something that I was unaware of:

Honeywell has 2 lines of products. 1 line of products can be purchased for consumer use. The other line of products cannot. The Redlink Internet Gateway is to be purchased by contractors only. Which is why Amazon does not sell this device. So in order to purchase this device, I purchased it from a 3rd party seller NOT knowing ANY of this.

He said what happened to me is common. I had a defective device from a 3rd party seller.

Now some more interesting information... He said the Internet LED status has 2 blinking patterns:
  • Rapidly flashing: Communicating with TCC service.
  • Slow flashing (Like a heartbeat): Unregistered with TCC service.
I was like, the instructions don't say that and that is when he said, marketing comes up with those instructions and they are not as accurate as you'd hope they were.

So that's that. Again thank you for all your help. You guys are amazing community and I'd love to be participate here more often but I don't specialize in networking - I work as a coder/programmer.

Cheers and best to all of you :D

- Rick from New Jersey
Hello everyone,

First and foremost, I want to thank each and everyone of you for taking the time to read my issue, taking the time to suggest solutions, and most importantly, being patient and helping me out.

I was able to talk to an actual Resideo tech support consultant. I'm not sure what department I was talking to before but whoever I just spoke to was a supervisor that they were able to forward me to.

After explaining to him the issues I was having, he took a chance and tried to register my Gateway with their service which is done via Mac Address and a special CRC code. And guess what?! IT WORKED. Internet Status LED went from Flashing green to solid green immediately.

Now, I'm not going to lie, I was kind of upset that it worked with such a simple fix but I will tell you, like I told the guy I spoke to, that I tried registering before, but it kept failing. HOWEVER, I did not try to register the THIRD gateway (My current gateway). If you remember, I have had 3...
  • Original
  • One from Amazon
  • One from Horizon
And when the one from Amazon would flash green, I tried to register it and it kept failing. Which ONLY MEANS TWO THINGS:

My original gateway went bad and the one from Amazon was defective!!!

And then the guy from tech support told me something that I was unaware of:

Honeywell has 2 lines of products. 1 line of products can be purchased for consumer use. The other line of products cannot. The Redlink Internet Gateway is to be purchased by contractors only. Which is why Amazon does not sell this device. So in order to purchase this device, I purchased it from a 3rd party seller NOT knowing ANY of this.

He said what happened to me is common. I had a defective device from a 3rd party seller.

Now some more interesting information... He said the Internet LED status has 2 blinking patterns:
  • Rapidly flashing: Communicating with TCC service.
  • Slow flashing (Like a heartbeat): Unregistered with TCC service.
I was like, the instructions don't say that and that is when he said, marketing comes up with those instructions and they are not as accurate as you'd hope they were.

So that's that. Again thank you for all your help. You guys are amazing community and I'd love to be participate here more often but I don't specialize in networking - I work as a coder/programmer.

Cheers and best to all of you :D

- Rick from New Jersey
Glad you got it working...my post right above yours included that as a suggestion. Glad it worked. I see in your last post that you did actually attempt that multiple times, but I don't see that mentioned anywhere in the thread unless I've overlooked it. Glad it's resolved!
Interesting thread. So how long has the thermostat been working on ethernet prior to it failing to work? You say there is no interaction with the device; what about the app? Are there any settings in there? Curious if maybe you can access it via a web browser (on the same network) by typing in the IP address for the device and see if maybe some sort of management page pops up. I looked at the link you provided and the documents and they are not very helpful. Did tech support possibly suggest registering the Mac address and Mac crc again on the mytotalconnectcomfort.com account? Just tossing out some things

Wow! If I saw this post BEFORE I talked to the tech support, that would have been the golden suggestion. In fact, that is the golden suggestion. I never registered the 3rd gateway, which was my current gateway. Because when I tried registering the 2nd gateway, the one from Amazon, that had a flashing green light, and the registration kept failing over and over. So when the 3rd gateway was given to me, I saw the same flashing pattern so I never bothered to register.

But yeah, that was the issue and the fact that the 2nd gateway, again the one from Amazon was defective, possibly a return that was never de-registered.

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