Hello maybe possible setup to work dlna over openvpn?Now openvpn server started on asus.But dlna stream servers not visible in remote connected device.And lan file sharing not working please help thanks.
I don't know if this will work, but you could try having the VPN subnet as a segment of the primary subnet?DLNA isn't really designed to work cross-networks, it's designed to run only within the current subnet.
I don't know if this will work, but you could try having the VPN subnet as a segment of the primary subnet?
Win10 file sharing (samba) worked fine for me after adding a rule to windows firewall... advanced firewall settings, inbound, File & Printer Sharing SMB-In, scope, add your tunnel's subnet to 'these remote IPs' (default ovpn tunnel uses lan file sharing not working please help thanks.
DLNA isn't really designed to work cross-networks, it's designed to run only within the current subnet.
Is that 25mbps upstream or downstreamWin10 file sharing (samba) worked fine for me after adding a rule to windows firewall... advanced firewall settings, inbound, File & Printer Sharing SMB-In, scope, add your tunnel's subnet to 'these remote IPs' (default ovpn tunnel uses
You may want to run 2 server instances on your router; a tcp443 tunnel for reliability/compatibility, and a udp1194 tunnel for speed. To have samba access through either tunnel, add both subnets to that rule (default 2nd tunnel uses
Awe bummer... wasn't working for me either. I added my ovpn subnet to a suspicious win10 firewall rule (Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (UPnP-In)', UDP2869), and bammo I got the server to show up in my phone dlna app (bubble upnp) while connected through the tunnel... so excited! ...then I got 'access denied' when I tried to browse the server. Everything works perfect when connected on the same subnet of course. I came here in search of answers to something I was certainly doing wrong, but I guess I'm barking up the wrong tree.
Tap wouldn't work either?
In my case smb through tun is too slow for streaming video. Is that typical? I've got an n66u (meh); tunnel speed test averages 9mbps down/ 3mbps up throughout the day (ISP's: router-25mbps fiber, phone-25mbps 4g... both solid performing up and down).
The android samba apps I've seen are too clunky for streaming music. I'm sure I'd get closer to 25mbps with newer hardware, but that is still plenty of bandwidth to stream. Is there a good alternative to dlna that works through a tunnel?
Broadcasts will carry over the TAP tunnel. But I suppose that all stuff will be very slow.Broadcasts probably won't carry over the tunnel.
Broadcasts will carry over the TAP tunnel. But I suppose that all stuff will be very slow.
I have seen more recent info that suggests the current paid version of es doesn't phone home. I will have to give it another shot.
I started one, but work soaked up more of my free time than I'd likeIt is good that es added a pay version, and I understand most of the free bloat version is that way to pay bills.
I decided to try Solid Explorer first, simply because they never went down the bloatware road. For $2 I am now able to stream my music albums and assorted videos with minimal fuss. Although, it 'stays inside the folder' when streaming music... would be nice if it also let me pick an assortment of folders queue up. Does es let you do that... without making playlists? If so I might buy both apps.
Edit: Does there exist a short how-to on the forums, for win10-lan-vpn-mobile streaming? If not I may take a crack at it. It took appreciable time googling and experimenting with dlna, samba apps, vpn config, etc. before I achieved any success. I think the average newb like myself could get it done in less than an hour with a lightweight to the point guide. I think this particular functionality would be very popular if it were made more accessible the less technical folks.
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