ASUSWRT-Merlin RT-AC68U 384.14-0 Sat Dec 14 00:39:28 UTC 2019
admin@RT-AC68U-09F0:/tmp/home/root# curl -L -s -k -O
staller/master/installer && sh installer ; rm installer
Info: Detected ARMv7 architecture.
Info: JFFS custom scripts and configs are already enabled
Info: DNS Environment is Ready.
Info: DI_VERSION=v2.1.6
Info: DNSCRYPT_VER=2.0.44
Info: Manager file is Up-To-Date!
Info: Choose what you want to do:
1) Install/Update dnscrypt-proxy
2) Uninstall dnscrypt-proxy
3) Configure dnscrypt-proxy
4) Set timezone
5) Unset timezone
6) Install (P)RNG
7) Uninstall (P)RNG
8) Install swap file
9) Uninstall ALL
b) Backup
q) Quit
=> Please enter the number that designates your selection:, [1-9/b/q]: 3
Info: This operation allows you to configure dnscrypt-proxy
=> Do you want to proceed? [y/n]: y
Info: Configuring dnscrypt-proxy...
Info: Checking dnscrypt-proxy configuration...
[2020-11-11 13:27:25] [NOTICE] dnscrypt-proxy 2.0.44
[2020-11-11 13:27:25] [NOTICE] Dropping privileges
[2020-11-11 13:27:25] [NOTICE] Source [relays] loaded
[2020-11-11 13:27:25] [NOTICE] Source [public-resolvers] loaded
[2020-11-11 13:27:25] [NOTICE] Anonymized DNS: routing everything via [anon-sth-se anon-cs-se]
[2020-11-11 13:27:25] [NOTICE] Configuration successfully checked
Info: Found previous dnscrypt-proxy config file
Info: How do you want to reconfigure:
Info: 1) Start from previous settings file
Info: 2) Start from default config
=> Your selection, [1-2]: 2
Info: Backing up previous settings file...
=> Do you want to redirect all DNS resolutions on your network through this proxy? [y/n]: y
Info: DNSFilter is Already on.
Info: User can choose to keep any custom dnsfilter values and only redirect non-custom traffic.
=> Do you want to redirect only SOME DNS resolutions on your network through this proxy? [y/n]: n
Info: User chose to continue redirecting All DNS resolutions instead.
=> Do you want to use DNS server over IPv6 (yes only if your connection has IPv6)? [y/n]: n
Info: Choose DNS resolving load balancing strategy:
1) p2 (default)
2) ph
3) first
4) random
=> Select your mode, [1-4]: 1
=> Do you want to use load balance estimator to adjust resolvers based on latency calculations? [y/n]: y
Info: Choose how your DNS servers are selected:
1) Automatically
2) Manually
3) Static
=> Select your mode, [1-3]: 1
=> Use only servers that support the DNSCrypt protocol [y/n]: y
=> Use only servers that support the DNS-over-HTTPS protocol [y/n]: y
=> Use only servers that support DNSSEC [y/n]: y
=> Use only servers that do not log user's queries [y/n]: y
=> Use only servers that do not filter result [y/n]: n
=> Do you want to choose which servers to disable (this can be a long process)? [y/n]: n
Info: Continuing without disabling any DNS servers.
Info: Set the DNS server(s) for initializing dnscrypt-proxy
Info: and router services (e.g. ntp) at boot
=> Default is
=> 2nd Default is
=> Set log level, default is 2, 0 is the most verbose, [0-6]: 2
Info: Writing dnscrypt-proxy configuration...
Info: Evaluating other possibilities for dnscrypt-proxy configuration...
Info: Checking for Anonymized Dnscrypt Support
Info: Users may specify Wild-card Relay Support (server_name *) with option 1 (this supports only DNSCrypt Servers).
* Warning: All DNSCRYPT Server traffic will be sent through same set of chosen Relays with Wild-Card Option.
Info: Option 2 gives users the choice to Setup Relays per Dnscrypt-Server.
Info: Option 3 allows the users to skip relay configuration or remove old relays configurations.
* Warning: Option 1 & 2 delete old relay configurations.
* Warning: Issues may occur if user is not using same servers as defined in relays.
Info: What do you want to do:
1) All Servers with Wild-Card Relay Support.
2) Pick Relays for DNSCRYPT servers (Per Server).
3) Skip Setting-up/Modifying Relay Support.
=> Your choice, [1-3]: 1
Info: This allows users to setup wildcard relay support for all compatible servers
=> Do you want to skip using incompatible resolvers instead of using them directly? [y/n]: y
Info: Available Relay servers:
1) anon-acsacsar-ams-ipv4: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in AMS on Scaleway
2) anon-ams-nl: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Netherlands - NL
3) anon-bcn: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Barcelona, Spain.
4) anon-cs-ca2: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in CA - Vancouver provided by
5) anon-cs-de2: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Frankfurt, Germany provided by
6) anon-cs-fr: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Paris, France provided by
7) anon-cs-fr2: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Paris, France (secondary) provided by
8) anon-cs-md: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Chisinau, Moldova provided by
9) anon-cs-nl: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Roosendaal, Netherlands provided by
10) anon-cs-nl2: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Rotterdam, Netherlands provided by
11) anon-cs-pt: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Lisbon, Portugal provided by
12) anon-cs-se: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Stockholm, Sweden provided by
13) anon-cs-sk: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in South Korea provided by
14) anon-cs-usca: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in US - Los Angeles, CA provided by
15) anon-cs-usga: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in US - Atlanta, GA provided by
16) anon-cs-usnc: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in US - Charlotte, NC provided by
17) anon-cs-usnv: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in US - Las Vegas, NV provided by
18) anon-cs-usor: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in US - Roseburg, OR provided by
19) anon-cs-ustx: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in US - Dallas, TX provided by
20) Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Germany (Nuremberg),
21) Anonymized DNS relay hosted in UK on DigitalOcean
22) anon-ev-to: Anonymized DNS relay provided by Location: Toronto, Canada
23) anon-ev-va: Anonymized DNS relay provided by Location: Vancouver, Canada
24) anon-ibksturm: Hosted in Switzerland and maintained by @ibksturm, aka Andreas Ziegler.
25) anon-inconnu: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Seattle, WA (USA), maintained by Eric
26) anon-kama: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in France and maintained by Frank Denis (@jedisct1).
27) anon-meganerd: Anonymized DNS relay hosted by ( in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
28) anon-plan9-dns: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in New Jersey, USA. Running the official Docker image on Vultr by @jlongua1
29) anon-publicarray: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Sydney, Australia and maintained by Sebastian Schmidt (@publicarray)
30) anon-scaleway: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in France and maintained by Frank Denis (@jedisct1).
31) anon-scaleway-ams: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Amsterdam and maintained by Frank Denis (@jedisct1).
32) anon-skyfighter: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Netherlands ( and maintained by @tuttimann.
33) anon-sth-se: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Sweden - SE
34) anon-tiarap: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Singapore
35) Anonymized DNS relay hosted in UK on Vultr
36) anon-yofiji-se-ipv4: Anonymized DNS relay hosted in Sweden and maintained by yofiji.
=> Please choose RELAY server, [1-36]: 12
=> Please choose next RELAY server or press n to stop, [1-36/n]: 33
=> Please choose next RELAY server or press n to stop, [1-36/n]: 5
=> Please choose next RELAY server or press n to stop, [1-36/n]: n
Info: Checking dnscrypt-proxy configuration...
[2020-11-11 13:29:27] [NOTICE] dnscrypt-proxy 2.0.44
[2020-11-11 13:29:27] [NOTICE] Dropping privileges
[2020-11-11 13:29:27] [NOTICE] Source [public-resolvers] loaded
[2020-11-11 13:29:27] [NOTICE] Source [relays] loaded
[2020-11-11 13:29:27] [NOTICE] Anonymized DNS: routing everything via [anon-cs-se anon-sth-se anon-cs-de2]
[2020-11-11 13:29:27] [NOTICE] Configuration successfully checked
Info: Restarting dnscrypt-proxy with new config...
Info: Operation completed. You can quit or continue