Senior Member
Thanks...so, Stubby, Dot, & dnsmasq are all the same thing? Just 3 different names?
Stubby is an implementation of DoT. It is "DoT in a Box". Dnsmasq is a DNS forwarder, but it is also a Swiss Army knife that is often rolled into all sorts of things. It can manage DHCP and other things.
I'm not clear whether this is accurate or not.
If using a VPN, I would expect that you would be using their DNS servers and as such unbound provides no benefit I believe. If anything, it's when you are not using a VPN that unbound shows it's value. I could be mistaken however.
The advantage of Unbound when using a VPN is you place less trust in your VPN provider's DNS. Those records could be sold, hacked, subpoenaed or otherwise used against you.
Thanks to everyone who has helped make the place of Unbound clear. Out of sheer curiosity and love of trivia, is the name "Unbound" to DNS what 7UP is to soda, given that named = BIND?