I realise this is a general (smart home) discussion forum, but before I go ask questions in Home Assistant forums for ESPHome, I thought I would see if anyone can give me a few pointers.
I run HA (Home Assistant) and have some small H&T (Xiaomi) devices that I wanted to connect more reliably in the corners of the house, so went for some cheap Bluetooth Proxy ESP32 devices to play around with. I got them set up OK with the HA BT Proxy setup page initially (for limited device types), then proceeded to use a custom YAML for a non-supported device, an ESP32-C3. This all worked fine when I was just using an IoT Network setup as a Guest Network, on (Guest Network) GN2 which uses the same subnet as the Primary LAN.
However, tinkering as you do, when I got a cheap RT-AXX88U Pro recently I thought I would set up a VLAN (different subnet) for all my IoT Devices, using Guest Network Pro.
Oddly, while the ESP32 devices showed they were connected to the new IoT Wifi Network in the Wireless Log, in ESPHome they were constantly "Offline"; and the 'Logs' check did not find any Wifi connection.
So I guess my question is, what is it about the separate LAN (subnet 53 i.e. vs my Primary LAN that might cuase this. I started reading about mDNS and my toes curled up and my eyes rolled into the back of my head ... any ideas that I can investigate and then take to other forums (primarily Router / LAN network related as opposed to ESP32 and YAMLs etc of course) would be really appreciated. Thanks!
I run HA (Home Assistant) and have some small H&T (Xiaomi) devices that I wanted to connect more reliably in the corners of the house, so went for some cheap Bluetooth Proxy ESP32 devices to play around with. I got them set up OK with the HA BT Proxy setup page initially (for limited device types), then proceeded to use a custom YAML for a non-supported device, an ESP32-C3. This all worked fine when I was just using an IoT Network setup as a Guest Network, on (Guest Network) GN2 which uses the same subnet as the Primary LAN.
However, tinkering as you do, when I got a cheap RT-AXX88U Pro recently I thought I would set up a VLAN (different subnet) for all my IoT Devices, using Guest Network Pro.
Oddly, while the ESP32 devices showed they were connected to the new IoT Wifi Network in the Wireless Log, in ESPHome they were constantly "Offline"; and the 'Logs' check did not find any Wifi connection.
So I guess my question is, what is it about the separate LAN (subnet 53 i.e. vs my Primary LAN that might cuase this. I started reading about mDNS and my toes curled up and my eyes rolled into the back of my head ... any ideas that I can investigate and then take to other forums (primarily Router / LAN network related as opposed to ESP32 and YAMLs etc of course) would be really appreciated. Thanks!
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