Is anybody currently using the (unofficial) workaround for running a PIA Wireguard VPN client through their ASUS router (ASUSWRT-MERLIN firmware)? Or has anyone else tried it before, even if you’re no longer using this implementation?
I had been considering trying it out, but I wanted folks’ impressions first:
-Stability (router)?
-Stability (vpn)?
-What’s the deal with Wireguard and killswitch? I remember reading someplace that the client acts as a kill switch anyway, confining traffic regardless—but I’m looking for more info.
-DNS issues? (And DNS leak issues?)
-General impressions?
-Tips? Tricks? Hints? Pitfalls?
-Other issues?
I had been considering trying it out, but I wanted folks’ impressions first:
-Stability (router)?
-Stability (vpn)?
-What’s the deal with Wireguard and killswitch? I remember reading someplace that the client acts as a kill switch anyway, confining traffic regardless—but I’m looking for more info.
-DNS issues? (And DNS leak issues?)
-General impressions?
-Tips? Tricks? Hints? Pitfalls?
-Other issues?