Pak Kriss
Regular Contributor
Great stuff.
Since a while I'm looking for a Merlin firmware for my old DSL AC68U, which is still an excellent wireless router.
Thanks for the "DSL-AC68U_384.7_Merlin.trx" file, which works very well.
Since a while I'm looking for a Merlin firmware for my old DSL AC68U, which is still an excellent wireless router.
Thanks for the "DSL-AC68U_384.7_Merlin.trx" file, which works very well.
Hi all. I compiled the modified version from xantier, so here's a small guide so you can do it too without struggling too much (like I did eheh). I used Ubuntu 18.04 x64 on a VM.
- Clone the dsl branch of repository by doing
Code:git clone --single-branch -b dsl
- Clone am-toolchains with
Code:git clone
- Follow instructions here to download all needed libraries (follow just the apt-get part)
- Navigate to
and delete the toolchains symlink file/folderCode:~/dsl-ac68u/release/src-rt-6.x.4708/
- Follow instructions here to configure BCM-SDK (change ~/asuswrt-merlin.382/with the name of the folder cloned at point n.1)
- Navigate to
and copy-paste the RT-AC68U folder into the same directory and rename the new folder to DSL-AC68UCode:~/dsl-ac68u/release/src/router/shared/prebuild
- Navigate to
and copy-paste the RT-AC68U folder into the same directory and rename the new folder to DSL-AC68UCode:~/dsl-ac68u/release/src/router/rc/prebuild
- Navigate to
and copy-paste the RT-AC68U folder into the same directory and rename the new folder to DSL-AC68UCode:~/dsl-ac68u/release/src/router/httpd/prebuild
- Navigate to
and edit the file. Replace all occurrences of $(top_srcdir) withCode:~/dsl-ac68u/release/src/router/libevent-2.0.21/test/
(this was necessary for me to prevent file-not-found errors while compiling caused by the bad variable)Code:~/dsl-ac68u/release/src/router/libevent-2.0.21
- Download the DSL-AC68U source from here
- Extract the archive, then extract GPL_DSL-AC68U tar. Navigate to the extracted folder into
and copy all files files intoCode:./release/src/router/rc/prebuild
folder (replacing the original files).Code:~/dsl-ac68u/release/src/router/rc/prebuild/DSL-AC68
- Navigate to the extracted folder into
and copy tc_fw folder toCode:./release/src-rt-6.x.4708/
- Navigate to
and runCode:~/dsl-ac68u/release/src/router/wget/
(this was necessary for me to fix a wget compile error)Code:autoreconf -fi
- Navigate to
and open the file file I had to change GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION from 0.18 to 0.19 as I was getting errors while compiling (but that may depend on my setup).Code:~/dsl-ac68u/release/src/router/wget/po/
- Navigate to
and runCode:~/dsl-ac68u/release/src/router/tor/
(this was necessary for me to fix a wget compile error)Code:autoreconf -fi
- Navigate to
and type make clean followed by make dsl-ac68u to start the compile process.Code:./release/src-rt-6.x.4708/
- At the end, if everything went smooth you should have the DSL-AC68U_384.7_alpha1_DSL_1.0.4.6.trx image into
Everything seems to be working just fine (even the USB port which was not working for me with the RT-AC68U Merlin firmware). I leave a screenshot in attachment.
Also I leave here the unmodified compiled firmware (hope that's allowed). I swear I DID NOT MODIFIED IT in ANY WAY, but as xantier said you should just compile your own. Link:!g4kCGQwI!DnuBw8C-FUuvU79_b74TMkja5_jFuXCLD-Pr45c0Xc0
If you have any question/issue please let me know. Also xantier please feel free to correct some steps if those are wrong. Of course, I don't take any responsibility on what may happen to your router. Thanks!