I got it up and running with my only attachment was an opnsense box for wan and 1 computer attached to the lan.
No problems until I plugged in another device...I couldn't see it 1 device attached
I tried my computer in every port and it connected no problem. So let me try a NAS...nothing
I tried everything I could think of and nothing. ok DHCP problems...no its set up. no problems assigning an ip to the computer
one of their techs that didn't have much of a grasp of english said check the firewall
I am not expert with firewalls in this thing it has allow on lan
So maybe something else...
at that time he never replied to anything else maybe a time zone thing. I have to make a decision on a new router and give this thing back I was just hoping a simple setup to give me a few days to decide on a new router.
Has anyone got any ideas on what might be causing this? I tried 2.4 ghz with my phone and it got in and received an IP
and shows up as the second device. I tried a tablet same thing got an ip but anything on hard wired lan can't get anything from the dhcp server.
I drug my reolink security device in and plugged it into my old asus router and bing IP listed as device in dhcp.. plugged it into this device thru lan and nothing
No problems until I plugged in another device...I couldn't see it 1 device attached
I tried my computer in every port and it connected no problem. So let me try a NAS...nothing
I tried everything I could think of and nothing. ok DHCP problems...no its set up. no problems assigning an ip to the computer
one of their techs that didn't have much of a grasp of english said check the firewall
I am not expert with firewalls in this thing it has allow on lan
So maybe something else...
at that time he never replied to anything else maybe a time zone thing. I have to make a decision on a new router and give this thing back I was just hoping a simple setup to give me a few days to decide on a new router.
Has anyone got any ideas on what might be causing this? I tried 2.4 ghz with my phone and it got in and received an IP
and shows up as the second device. I tried a tablet same thing got an ip but anything on hard wired lan can't get anything from the dhcp server.
I drug my reolink security device in and plugged it into my old asus router and bing IP listed as device in dhcp.. plugged it into this device thru lan and nothing