I'm currently on a UK 80/20 FTTC using a small microPC running opnsense.
This is working well, but I can now get FTTP upto 1600 Mbps so I'm looking at my options.
I'm planning on a 900 Mbps connection and am wondering if I should use the ISP router which is a TP Link EX820V, or upgrade my opnsense server to support 1 - 2 Gbps.
Anyone any thoughts or suggestions on this ?
If opnsense is the better option, does anyone have any advise on a suitable server that will run these speeds via PPPOE ?
I'm currently on a UK 80/20 FTTC using a small microPC running opnsense.
This is working well, but I can now get FTTP upto 1600 Mbps so I'm looking at my options.
I'm planning on a 900 Mbps connection and am wondering if I should use the ISP router which is a TP Link EX820V, or upgrade my opnsense server to support 1 - 2 Gbps.
Anyone any thoughts or suggestions on this ?
If opnsense is the better option, does anyone have any advise on a suitable server that will run these speeds via PPPOE ?