Sent the node back to Amazon, the replacement connected first time and every time after updating firmware and resets as necessary. What a difference! So, the network is up and we're testing placements and antennae orientation for maximum coverage within the house.
Does the new GT-AX6000 need to go back to Amazon?
I upgraded from the crappy ZenWifi AX devices to two GT-AX6000s with great hopes. The second node absolutely will not connect via AIMesh. Is there a better trick to this? Or does it just need to go back to Amazon? Steps below.
And even more important, to what devices/manufacturers do I have to switch to get great mesh-type coverage without the ability to hardwire from one device in the garage where the to another device in the house?
Here's what I've done so far.
I'm attempting to set this up alongside my existing network, so the router WAN input is connected to my old network, has WAN IP address of, primary address of Second device is visible as the open network ASUS_20.
Is there a trick to getting this to pair? Or is the GT-AX6000 ALSO notorious for not pairing like the ZenWifi AX? For the moment I'm not able to run hardwire from detached garage where the network drop is to the house.
And the ultimate question is whether or not there is a better alternative, either ASUS or other manufacturer that's going to give me a better, more stable, distributed network?
Sent the node back to Amazon, the replacement connected first time and every time after updating firmware and resets as necessary. What a difference! So, the network is up and we're testing placements and antennae orientation for maximum coverage within the house.
Does the new GT-AX6000 need to go back to Amazon?
I upgraded from the crappy ZenWifi AX devices to two GT-AX6000s with great hopes. The second node absolutely will not connect via AIMesh. Is there a better trick to this? Or does it just need to go back to Amazon? Steps below.
And even more important, to what devices/manufacturers do I have to switch to get great mesh-type coverage without the ability to hardwire from one device in the garage where the to another device in the house?
Here's what I've done so far.
- Attempted wireless connection, then hardwired from 2.5GHz out to 2.5GHz WAN input. no dice.
- Same result with IOS app and router's web-based GUI
- Updated firmware to Merlin's latest on both devices (GT-AX6000_388.2_2_rog_nand_squashfs.pkgtb), and did a Factory default restore (Administration->Restore/Save/Upload Setting->Restore with initialize all settings checked), followed by a hard device reset and manual reconfiguration of the network.
- Restored ASUS firmware (GT-AX6000_3.0.0.6_102_21514-g9affda2_136-g5d23c_nand_squashfs.pkgtb), factory default restore, hard device reset.
I'm attempting to set this up alongside my existing network, so the router WAN input is connected to my old network, has WAN IP address of, primary address of Second device is visible as the open network ASUS_20.
Is there a trick to getting this to pair? Or is the GT-AX6000 ALSO notorious for not pairing like the ZenWifi AX? For the moment I'm not able to run hardwire from detached garage where the network drop is to the house.
And the ultimate question is whether or not there is a better alternative, either ASUS or other manufacturer that's going to give me a better, more stable, distributed network?
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