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GT-BE98 PRO and OpenVPN server on port 443

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That's exactly the problem he has, outgoing traffic to TCP/443. He wants to connect back to his home VPN server. It's not blocked by his ISP because it works with his previous router. In my experience ISPs tend not to block 443 otherwise features like remote cameras or Asus' AiCloud or their phone app wouldn't work.

Yeah - wonder if the ISP has implemented application layer firewalls - some of the newer firewall appliances do look at the traffic itself - e.g. HTTPS over TCP/443 is distinct compared to OpenVPN traffic over the same port.

Unusual to see this at the ISP level, more commonly seen in the enterprise space...
HTTPS over TCP/443 is distinct compared to OpenVPN traffic over the same port

This is correct, but still works most of the time. The Great Firewall of China detects it and cuts it off in about 5min. The rest of the world is mostly okay. This is more like avoiding some hotel firewall blocking VPNs for unknown reason. Talking about common ports - I filter UDP/80 and UDP/443 on my networks, but for a different reason.

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