hey @Jack Yaz, having issues with hanging at the following when opening or trying to reinstall:
uiDivStats: Creating database table and enabling write-ahead logging...
Any suggestions? Have looked through previous threads and tried the other proposed. All ep are upto date.
Have tried:
(Hangs at creating database... but got me updated and off amtm pending update list)
Not sure where next to try
RT-AC86U (aarch64) FW-384.19
uiDivStats: Creating database table and enabling write-ahead logging...
Any suggestions? Have looked through previous threads and tried the other proposed. All ep are upto date.
Have tried:
# /usr/sbin/curl --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackyaz/uiDivStats/master/uiDivStats.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/uiDivS
tats" && chmod 0755 /jffs/scripts/uiDivStats && /jffs/scripts/uiDivStats install
# opkg update && opkg remove --autoremove sqlite3-cli && opkg install sqlite3-cli
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/aarch64-k3.10/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /opt/var/opkg-lists/entware
Removing package sqlite3-cli from root...
Installing sqlite3-cli (3330000-1) to root...
Downloading http://bin.entware.net/aarch64-k3.10/sqlite3-cli_3330000-1_aarch64-3.10.ipk
Configuring sqlite3-cli.
Not sure where next to try
RT-AC86U (aarch64) FW-384.19