Part of the Furniture
I can't use Unblockus out here unfortunately - I'm unable to update my IP address as it's blocked unless I connect through a VPN, so when I do connect via a VPN it's not my true local IP address, bit of a catch 22. Unotelly is having a problem out here as well, so for now I'm stuck with having to use a slower VPN for certain sites
I'm not aware of DNSMASQ or how to use it with a router (presumably it's installed on the router?)
My main absolute must it to just get the script set up so my TV, iPod Touch and Sonos kit get directed to the UK VPN and none of the others do.
I'm quite confused about what to do (I'm new to this...!) When you say call the script, how do I actually do that? Does it not automatically run by being in the script folder then? And why use a different name for the HMA script during testing? Just so it's easier to identify or for security reasons?
If the script is not being executed automatically (as part of RMerlin's) firmware then either it is not the correct name, nor in the correct location or contains invalid EOL termination characters.
So logic states that if U name it something unique it cannot be inadvertently invoked by 'accident'.
I suggested that you use WinSCP to be able to edit files on the RT-N66U (ensuring that they are truly Unix LF terminated rather than illegal LFCR terminated as produced by NOTEPAD), then set the properties and right click the file to execute
Otherwise SSH/TELNET into the router, cd to the location of the file
then use
to correct the script then ensure
chmod a+rx
then issue