Part of the Furniture
It doesn't. I wrote that code, and I never interfaced it with networkmap.
asuswrt-merlin.ng/release/src/router/httpd/sysdeps/web-broadcom-am.c at master · RMerl/asuswrt-merlin.ng
Third party firmware for Asus routers (newer codebase) - RMerl/asuswrt-merlin.nggithub.com
EDIT: I think I see where it might be coming from. I have the webui display any existing device nickname (which is defined by either Networkmap or the enduser) whenever the hostname is returned as <unknown>. This is done within the webpage itself rather than at the backend.
Code:hostname = client[2]; // Name if (nmapentry && (hostname == "*" || hostname == "<unknown>")) { if (clientList[mac].nickName != "") hostname = clientList[mac].nickName; else if (clientList[mac].name != "") hostname = clientList[mac].name; }
This is only if there is no matching entry in the dnsmasq lease list.
See, you made it work and didn't even know it. I can confirm this behavior.
My blu-ray reports no hostname (* in DHCP leases and generic NIC vendor name in client list)
I've given it a custom name in client list, and that's what wireless log shows.
TV reports a generic name in DHCP. Gave it a more descriptive name in client list.
Wireless log shows the generic DHCP name.
Amazon fire stick, same situation and behavior as TV.
All my devices with manual DHCP reservations override the device reported hostname and the hostname given in the reservation shows up in DHCP leases, client list, and wireless log.
So as you've said, DNS (or DHCP lease name, same thing basically) preferred, if no DNS/DHCP then it grabs user defined name. I'm assuming for static IPs, it would grab user defined name if it is present, since obviously there is no DNS/DHCP name. If no DNS/DHCP or user defined name, I'm assuming it goes to "unknown".
DHCP Leases:
Client List:
Wireless Log:
Name: amazon-e1ace0c8f.intra.xxxxxx.net
can't find Non-existent domain
Name: COM-MID1.intra.xxxxxxxx.net
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