Hi there,
for some days now I own a SS4200-EWH, and this package shipped without the DOM so I can't really comment on this, but .. on the other things, and perhaps give some insight .. I sum up my story of installing it ..
a.) FreeBSD 8.0 and 8.1 using USB-CDROM
FreeBSD 8.1-amd64 / generic
b.) through serial console / terminal emulator
c.) installed on /dev/ar0 -> Raid1
d.) activated the esata port to connect another 4 drive Raidbox (4x1TB)
esata seems to be only SATA1,5gbit/s
the keys needed to enter the setup will change when setting the mentioned(see below) ATA/IDE configuration in setup, strange though but it's displayed while booting
Console -> after IDE/ATA change
F3: BootMediumSelection Menu
F4: Setup
before that, I was prompted to press "del" to enter setup ( using the remote console and it worked )
and with configuration mentioned later, the raid setup was "CTRL+I"
activated, still in fbsd you will see /dev/ad6 and /dev/ad8 which
are indeed the devices to the single hdd, but just use the /dev/ar0
which is the raid volume you were able to create using the raid-setup.
you can control the raid functionality through the "atacontrol" command
from within fbsd
1.) I use 2x 320gb SATA discs Raid1 / also Booting from them
I did set the IDE Configuration to the following and it did work out pretty well for my purpose
* ATA/IDE Configuration [Enhanced]
* Configure SATA as [RAID]
* Port0 SATA AHCI Speed: GEN 2 (3.0 Gb/sec)
* Port1 SATA AHCI Speed: GEN 2 (3.0 Gb/sec)
after that I entered the raid-setup and created the raid-volume
2.) I deactivated the integrated Graphics Card -> saved 8MByte of RAM
this will have implications on operating freebsd which I'll describe later
I installed the OS using NullModem+Putty
Serial Settings:
initial Boot and LoaderScreen / 115200
Installed Fbsd 8.0 in the first and Fbsd 8.1 second
There I noticed that the loaders behave differently, while 8.0 accepts
115200bps for the selection screen, 8.1 will set the serial port back to 9600 bps after echoing some ascii but not displaying the selection screen.
-> close putty set 9600bps etc.. and after setting comconsole_speed="115200" you need to reconfigure putty ..
when deactivating the IGP fbsd will not have a /dev/sc device
and that way the virtual consoles cannot be spaned, errors displayed
on serial console and getty does not span a login there
solution -> during the installation -> static ip -> sshd -> user of group wheel
which can "su" to root and do the necessary changes to /etc/ttys and
which are to deactivate the virt-con25 and active/set the console
Booting from usb-stick on fbsd 8.1/8.0 - does not work looks like
the usb-subsystem is initialized at the wrong moment, no root-device can be found, though that usbstick works fine on my T61 which served as my fileserver prior to the ss4200
Recomondations for playing with the SS4200 and using it
- patience
- usb keyboard / ps2usb converter
- putty/terminal emulator
- adding a useraccount with group "wheel" ( su to root, because sshd_config
says PermitRootLogin "No"
- keep it closed otherwise the airflow will not work properly and the cpu will
safety shutdown after approx. 15-20 min.
- set the comconsole_speed="115200" only after console="comconsole"
wether while live-loader or loader.conf
- DO NOT (ahci_load="YES") / this will shift your root device from the installation setting
- JUST DO (siis_load="YES") / this will active the esata ports
curiously devices are "/dev/ataX"
- found a hardwareshop(in germany) where to get special 15cm pci-ex1 flexcables
- Graphics Card:
I want to try using my pci-ex16 to pci-ex1 adapter
from the big Thinkpad 2503 docking station for a passive and
low power gfx-card, cheaper than the pci-e-x1 cards
- planning:
to buy DOM, but uncertain if DOM or just ide-sdcardreader
feel free to ask questions