Part of the Furniture
The kid is knowledgeable, but not that much! He's got a Chrome plugin that does it all for him. He's got no idea what a MAC address is.I wish I new what that plugin was! From what I could find out, it's something that works with TamperMonkey. Funny thing is, although this plugin makes up a completely random MAC address, it seems to always use static IP, which is my computer's address, and caused my computer to be cut off the network. That's why I need a firmware that works with IP and MAC addresses, not just IP.
If this isn't a great case for technology not being a replacement for good parenting, I don't know what is...
Kids are smart - let's give them that...
I've been fortunate with my kids, but I have friends that have special needs kids, and those that have internet addiction issues, and I appreciate those challenges...
It really is a multiple layer problem - need to have defense in depth...
- Access Control Timers - that's one, but that is generally MAC based
- Software Based Tools on the Router - yes, but that can generally be bypassed
- DNS based Tools - OpenDNS and others do have tools that can help
These generally don't work... seriously, been there in a few cases...
Thing is all this tech isn't going to stop a kid that is bound and determined... so then one has to look at Access Control and getting those devices back...
Get the STB's/Consoles/PC's/Laptops/Tablets/Phones out of the bedroom - putting their PC in the family room/kitchen is one means - having WiFi on a USB dongle is a plus there, as we can always just pull it out and put it in a safe place...
The phones/tablets - in a locked drawer during study/bed time, that generally works..
The consoles (XBox/PS/etc..) on the main TV that everyone uses for general viewing - keep in mind that most consoles (and even handhelds) have browsers these days, so the handhelds, like phones and tablets - into the locked drawer...
It's a challenge - and it's something that we as parents can do to help them out...