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I might be obsessing, but I was looking into how well my wireless is performing. I have two 5ghz laptops on wireless-N. My AP is an ASUS rt-n66u (w/ merlin .40), WPA2, N-only, 40mhz only. I wrote a script that endlessly pings both laptops and records whether there's a timeout.
I let the script run pretty much all day yesterday, pinging from a desktop (wired) machine to one of my laptops (wireless). Pings were once per second and default settings (4000ms timeout, 128 ttl).
After many hours, it recorded only one timeout. All other pings were between 1-2ms consistently, except for just this one. Same behavior with the other laptop, where pings were about 1-2ms and there was only one timeout registered over several hours of pinging. The script was using the IP instead of the netbios name to alleviate lookup times.
The laptops weren't that far away - it was one floor above the AP. Signal is strong and there's no interference from other APs.
My question is, is this normal for an occasional ping timeout to slip by? I don't have anything to compare to. Thanks.
I let the script run pretty much all day yesterday, pinging from a desktop (wired) machine to one of my laptops (wireless). Pings were once per second and default settings (4000ms timeout, 128 ttl).
After many hours, it recorded only one timeout. All other pings were between 1-2ms consistently, except for just this one. Same behavior with the other laptop, where pings were about 1-2ms and there was only one timeout registered over several hours of pinging. The script was using the IP instead of the netbios name to alleviate lookup times.
The laptops weren't that far away - it was one floor above the AP. Signal is strong and there's no interference from other APs.
My question is, is this normal for an occasional ping timeout to slip by? I don't have anything to compare to. Thanks.