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ISP speed issue (is it ISP or router)

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Senior Member
I have issue going for last 5 months. I have AC66U and for 3 years I had 100/35 ( can actual hit 130mbit). In those 3 years I had QOS on which limited actual 130/35 I could get ti 100-110/35 due to CPU hitting 100 usage do to CTF being off.

As of now I have 200/35 from my ISP, so I turned off QOS and made sure CTF is on so i could get those speed, And i do get those speeds at random and when it is doing 200mbit router is barely using 55% cpu.

Thing is that 200 I should get is random at best majority time is 100-160 Shortly after I noticed this, I noticed at nights when there is NO network traffic, I was getting as slow as 10mbits. from my understanding it not my router causing this cause when I connect direct to modem i get the same speed issues.

I so far had 2 Optimum tech come each one told me there is no issue with modem/router or lines in my house, and issue was SEEN at the powerline pole, each time they called there boss and had it forward to people that deal with powerlines poles on the street, and nodes that feed them, each time that resulted with them say there is no issue, I now have 3rd tech coming to house that supposedly senior tech cause they say the leak is in my house.

When I had 100 tier speed it was rock solid at 100mbit +/- a few mbit it rarely if ever went bellow 75mbit let alone as low as 20mbit or worse, and according to them i am on the same node i been on all these years. which tells me they let the node and or lines all the way up to my pole feeding my house degrade in performance horribly.

Am i right in my believe issue it not my router not my modem not my lines like I been told twice so far? what would you's think if were in this situation. BTW all this test where done hardwired no wifi test are done when there no network traffic

What are your thoughts and what would you's do?
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If you see the same speed degradation when directly plugged into your modem, then chances are it's your ISP. When testing with your laptop, ensure that you trust your laptop and the Ethernet cable you are using. If you haven't swapped out your Ethernet cable yet, then swap it out first, re-test with router, then just modem. If you get the same result (degradation) connected to your modem, then escalate with your ISP.
This done on desktop wired, if I go to other Desktop that is wired when this all happen it still happens, and like said I tried connecting direct to PC same issue when it happens.

2 tech told me this issue is out side on the lines, yet they keep insisting it issue in the house, latest response is there is leak in the house, a leak the last 2 tech didint see?

I do there tech out here earlier that had to be messing with poles and my upstream is using 1 steam instead of 4 now where before this it had 4 streams for upload.

The latest supervisor i talked to say they will have senior tech come on on 22nd, and claims he informed mulitple supervisors in all departments about this issue too. I am getting flash back to when i had verizon dsl (3mbit max) that turned into dial up 6 month a year for every year i had it, i was constently complain to them about that and they was constantly send tech out that told them issue is out on the pole yet they keep want to send tech to my house to check is lines, just for them to tell them the same time each time.
eh i just noticed something wierd, I have my router set to 15mbit limit for all wifi client, and apparent limiting to 15mbit is peg the cpu at 70-99 % and that with just 1 wifi client downloading it max, I could see this being reason i seem erratic speed tests and especial 20 or less mbit at night, IF it wasnt for the fact when I these speed test there done when there was no traffic hitting the router in first place

I got to do more testing, during the week, Though i know when initial setup 15mbit limit and was testing it was working for wifi, the cpu usage was not even above 20% when doing the speed test on those wireless clients to make sure it was limited to 15mbit,

hope this dont turn into another network issue i need to fix.
I'd continue to diagnose this as you have by eliminating the router and checking directly with the modem. If you have an issue and they are not addressing it, tell them you won't pay and will disconnect service--but tell this to their customer service so you can get transferred to their retention department. But be ready to cut them off and go with someone else. Most ISPs don't care about customers anymore.
problem wasnt the modem or router, last few days the speed been more stable at 200 then they been since i got it, last tech which maked # 5 he also said last tech that "installed" the new line from pole to my house wired it to ground wrong, and next day tech was out on pole to installed filter cause ingress (feedback) which killed my upstream this tech fix ground wiring and removed the filter on pole and fix my uploaded.

He said same thing thing all the other said issue is most likely lines feeding my house, and ingress (feedback) coming from other people in my area,, which they said where checking for ingress (feedback) in my area last sunday on 8-2 and since sunday speed have been very much stable at 200 in comparison to how bad it was before. most test seem to be 210~175mbit which i am fine with so long as the 25mbit at night dont start again. before sunday it as 175 at best and 90 at worst during the day,

Tech also gave me his bosses land line number and told me to him direct if start up again. getting rid of them isnt really option less Verizon has fios in my area, last i checked they dont, I have 2 options Verizon 3mbit DSL or Optimum and what i am paying Optimum is what i was pay verizon for 3mbit dsl + the frustration of argue with them for 6 months cause that dsl turned in to dsl cause lines that where feeding the house then too.

I see speeds like this for now


This test much more senstive to speed drops compared to speedtest, but for most part show the same, Long as it stay above the 170 speed i happy considering i using 8/4 stream modem, gona keep an eye on it for time being.
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Looks like they've got the wiring sorted out and you've got a good number to call in case it goes wack again. I think you're set.

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