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Solved LAN client running qBittorrent crashes gt-ax6000 (running Merlin 3004.388.4)

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There was a recent thread on the different Linux kernels being used on each router. Does the AX6000 have a different kernel than the other routers you tried?
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Putting the thing back to the box. The AC86U has zero issues with the very same settings, with the very same clients and in the very same environment. Maybe I try again some months later, to see if anything changed.
Not the same at all since you're not connecting to it @ 2.5Gb. Have you tried using the 6000 by connecting to one of its 1Gb ports with all default settings in your PC NIC driver? Don't "force" any settings at all. Does the 6000 behave /then/? If so, you've narrowed the problem down considerably.

Talk about "forcing" operational stuff doesn't instill my confidence.

The only thing you can't to with all the other routers is going 2.5Gb. It's possible you've got a faulty interface in the router but it's just as likely it's in your PC.

I've never understood the allure of torrents.
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Yes I did, it is crashing with transmission as well.

I just could not drop it so easily, so yesterday evening I made some more tests with other models (besides the AC86U, which is the router in use atm).
  • AX58U (Merlin, same userscripts),
  • AX53U (Stock, no userscripts),
  • N66U(john9527,'s fork, no userscripts),
  • N18U (Stock, no userscripts),
  • AC68U (Merlin, same userscripts).
I do not have more models here at the moment to test with, but these I tried did not crash from the same load.

edit: I suspect the AX6000 "hates" my mobo's 8125BG. I do not have a spare NIC card atm to try, but I ordered one.

As I suspected the GT-AX6000 is running a different Linux kernel than the other models you tried.

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Hi there,

Sorry for the late reply (some unplanned business trips and general end of year shenanigans held me away). Thank you very much for everybody who replied, and sorry for not being here.
Not the same at all since you're not connecting to it @ 2.5Gb. Have you tried using the 6000 by connecting to one of its 1Gb ports with all default settings in your PC NIC driver? Don't "force" any settings at all. Does the 6000 behave /then/? If so, you've narrowed the problem down considerably.

Talk about "forcing" operational stuff doesn't instill my confidence.

The only thing you can't to with all the other routers is going 2.5Gb. It's possible you've got a faulty interface in the router but it's just as likely it's in your PC.

I've never understood the allure of torrents.
I did try all the ports of course. I also tried with two different NICs, which I ordered to investigate the issue and arrived just recently, they made no difference.
Torrents are just one kind of distributed file sharing, there is no "allure" (I'm not pirating or doing anything illegal with torrents, if that is what you are implying).

As I suspected the GT-AX6000 is running a different Linux kernel than the other models you tried.

Interesting, thank you very much for the info.


So this is solved again finally, idk how long and still no clue how or why. As the AC86u was providing network for the family, I could play around, and (most likely?) the solution was the stock firmware again which helped me for the first time too.
I installed it over Merlin but it made no difference (more to that, the first boot was very weird, the log looked like if Skynet was still running, lots of messages about kernel blocks (obviously there were no user scripts in stock FW, and the entware USB storage wasn't even plugged in, it was TM probably, but I never saw this many blocks from TM in the past).

So I hard reset the thing like 15-20 times back and forth, installed stock and Merlin (doing exactly the same things, reading from notes, step by step, removing just a single setting or function at time to see if I can find the cause.

Nope, nothing helped, so I just started hard reseting the stock FW in a loop without changing any settings from the defaults, only testing the torrents, see if it would crash (don't ask me what made me to do this, I had emotions and "'reasons").

So after the 3rd reset it did not crash anymore, the stock became rock steady stable for days.

I'm back on Merlin, with the very same settings I started with and had the issue with, but I have no issue anymore.
I ended up with a mystery, I will probably never solve.

I'm setting this to "Solved" again and will look for a hair transplant clinic, since I tore out all my hair because this router.
You lads have a wonderful day and thank you very much again for all the help.
The peer-to-peer (P2P) data exchange can lead to a significant volume of transaction logs or database records. For instance, I've encountered a situation where a database accumulated 19GB of data, and the daily execution time required for trimming was excessively long. This not only impacted the overall performance of the router but also culminated in failure and interruption. Consequently, it resulted in a persistent issue of attempting trimming day after day.

In addition, I have added two scripts. One is scheduled to run the database trimming script provided by a netizen every early morning, and the other is designed to monitor the top ten files in directories such as /mnt/usbkey and /var. This is implemented to prevent the occurrence of excessively large files, which could potentially lead to abnormal conditions in the router.


In my personal estimation, if network usage is exceptionally high, it is crucial to pay close attention to the router logs and the size of database files. This helps prevent various issues, such as insufficient storage space, extended access times due to excessively large files, performance degradation, or potential unexpected behaviors, even leading to system restarts. The firmware version and third-party packages I have installed personally are listed below. Through the daily execution of scripts to trim file sizes, all services are currently running smoothly.


In addition to installing the packages integrated by amtm, the router also performs functionalities not included in amtm integration, such as diskless boot systems, third-party HTTP services and other simple yet resource-consuming services.

Observing the system, it seldom utilizes swap space to manage memory. Additionally, surplus memory can be utilized as a cache, further enhancing performance.

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Thank you for that info, very interesting. Luckily I do not have memory issues, I never saw memory usage going above 400MB (including cache) and swap is always unused.
Well there's also the fixed memory used for storage of files and other structured data, which when filled to the brim can lock up the system and in some cases get cleared by a reboot...

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