Very Senior Member
I'm just a "regular" user here, but I feel compelled to weigh in. While in most instances I prefer the approach to open a new thread for each issue, in the case of skynet and several other mega-threads, being able to search the thread for issues is actually quite helpful. I don't then need to parse through 100 different search results to find the context for solving whatever has led me to the search.The same process that has made this community thrive the past 6+ years. You've made your point clear you would personally prefer to see smaller threads, so let those of us who agree with your line of thought do that and the rest of us continue handling our threads how we prefer. There's no need to reinvent the wheel when the system currently works just fine. If I'm okay with personally supporting a megathread, you should be okay with it.
I understand that thiggins owns the forum, but as Adamm notes above, if the thread owner is in favor of keeping a mega-thread, and is routinely monitoring it and providing support, and there is no technical reason limiting the number of responses, why change?
I'd vote for leaving the thread-building to the tool owner, and keeping all the Merlin tools on snbforums, rather than risking a split to another platform.
FWIW, I would also like to see the addons be re-integrated into the Merlin FW forum. Carving them out makes little sense, and the enjoyment of being able to scroll through a single forum to see the totality of what's going on in Merlin-FW-world was one of my daily treats. Negotiating several sub-forums to get the gist of developments removes that simple pleasure, again for no discernible reason.
Thanks to @thiggins and @RMerlin for your consideration and support.